Patience is the greatest strength

Long ago, there were 500 elephants which dwelt in the Icy Mountain.  The World Honoured One was the King of the elephants.  He was a lovely and elegant elephant with great strength and wisdom.  The whole group of elephants stayed in a remote place which was dangerous and difficult to reach as there was only one narrow road for them to travel in and out.

One day a hunter found this group of elephants and he gave rise to these thoughts,’I will dig a big pit in the ground tonight and surely they will fall into it.  Oh ,yes! They will be mine.  I will get whatever I want.’

So the hunter started to dig a big hole on the dangerous path.  Then he went to chase the elephants out.  The elephants were forced to come to the pit and they stopped.

The King of the elephant went down the pit and laid across it,with its body fully filled up the hole.  He ordered the other elephants to walk on him just like crossing a bridge.  The group of elephants walked on its backbone and all were saved from disaster. (Reference:The Sutra of the  Accumulation of Jewels )

In the Sutra of spiritual mantras spoken by the seven Buddhas ,it is thus stated,’The Buddhas take good care of all the living beings just like the bridges or the boats which carry the passengers across the seas without feeling tired.  …..May my mind be like the bridges or the boats  that bring all living beings across the seas of birth and death without feeling tired. ……..The Great Bodhisattvas are never tired when they build bridges and  ships to carry the living beings to the shore of Nirvana.’

So a learner of the Bodhisattva makes the following vows,’

‘If I were to see bridges and roads,

I wish that everyone

Will be able to pervasively

Cross over all living beings,

Just like the bridges.’

The great translator Kumarajiva said,’  This is to describe the attitude of being humble while facing the bullies.  We have to cultivate tolerance when the arrogant people take advantage of us and step on us just as if we are the bridges.’  The bridges will never complain.  It will only lie low and give support to everyone who steps on it.  A person who cultivates patience is not a weak person as the inner strength is greatly increased and he could face all kinds of difficulties in life with this strength.  His mind is not easily perturbed as he is always calm and the innate wisdom springs up naturally.

Author: oridharma

Charitable | Dharma Protector | Compassion

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