The Three Minds

The three minds only return to this:

That is letting go of the body and mind to recite the Buddha’s Name. There is no other explanation.

What is meant by letting go of the body and mind? It means the cultivator only recites Namo Amitabha Buddha continually.

This is to explain the above three minds namely the mind of ultimate sincerity, the deep mind and the mind of transference and making vows.

When we manage to bring forth these minds, we manage to give up the three minds of attachment.

When we bring forth the mind of ultimate sincerity, we give up the mundane mind of attachment to illusive false thoughts.

When we bring forth to a deep mind, we give up the mundane mind of false attachment to the afflicted body.

When we bring forth to a mind of transference and making vows, we give up the mundane man’s false attachment to a self in cultivating the path relying on his own effort. We will rely totally on the Strength of Vows of Amitabha Buddha.

When a mundane man manages to give up all the falsity of his body, his mind and his self- effort in cultivating all wholesomeness, he is returning to the Name of Genuineness, Namo Amitabha Buddha. This is the ultimate result.

What is the meaning of ‘The Renunciation of body and mind’? What is its appearance?

The answer is only a continual recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha.

So, there is no need for us to think about it further. As we do not harbour any doubts or worries, do not bother if the mind is pure or impure, do not bother about being wise or stupid. All these are not important.

Venerable Master Shi Jing Zong’s teaching on the Three minds – an extract of teaching from The Compilation of Golden Words of Buddha Recitation — Lesson 16

The Correct Path Chosen by the Buddha

In the Amitabha Sutra, the Sanskrit version, it is thus stated, ‘Living beings are not born in that Land relying on the wholesome deeds they have done in this life.’

All the good deeds that they have done in this realm are not qualified for a rebirth in that land.

This is because they belong to the category of little causes and conditions of good roots, blessings and virtues.

If we rely on the very meagre good roots, blessings and virtues we have cultivated, the little blessings and bliss of men and gods, and we wish to seek a rebirth in such a pure Buddha Land, the Reward Land, it is not in accord with the working of cause and effect.

They are not in the same category, not on par.

One is the realm of Nirvana at the noumena level, and what we have cultivated belong to the goodness mixed with poisons, with leakages, at the phenomena level.

So how can we attain a rebirth?

This is the first point we must be very clear.

It means the wrong method must first be cleared away.

Next, we will discuss how to choose a correct method.

There is only one correct method. Not two.

It is as though in this house there is a heap of money. All of them are fake dollars except one genuine note. You take out the real note.

It means one real note is able to destroy all the fake ones.

Only the listening to the teaching of the Name of Amitabha Buddha and upholding this Name.’ Is the truth.

It is impossible to attain a rebirth relying on the blessings we have cultivated in the realms of men and gods.

We should be clear about this point.

The false views should be broken down so that we will not tread the wrong road as we know it is impassable.

We should not be arrogant and held on to inverted views. We must not let our delusion control us and run wild blindly.

How to go there?

You just have to follow the road which I have chosen for you.

Your mixed practices in accord with conditions are all useless.

To attain a rebirth in such a high, lofty and wonderful Buddha Land, you should follow the method that I have chosen for you.

The Buddha said,

‘Shariputra, a good man or a good woman on listening to my teaching should bring forth the vow to attain a rebirth by reciting the Name of Amitabha Buddha.’

Sakyamuni says such a man or woman is a good man, a good woman.

He does not take into consideration the amount of sins he or she might have committed.

For a mundane man in this world of five turbidities with abundant inverted views, with immeasurable sinful karma, he or she is still known as a good man or a good woman if he or she recites the Buddha’s Name.

As long as he is living one day, he will recite on that day. If there is still the lifespan, he will not rest, he will continue to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. If he can live for two days, he will recite for two days. If he can live for seven days, he will recite for seven days. If he is going to pass away on the bed and can only recite ten times, this is also fine.

This is the meaning of the Buddha’s teaching: With the recitation of the Buddha’s Name throughout our life, ten times, five times or three times, the Buddha will surely come to welcome him.

Some say they do not have time to recite ten times, so how about three times?

Buddha says, ‘ok, no problem.’ Some say, ‘I recite one time.’ Buddha says that is fine, no problem. Some say, ‘I cannot say it out. The sound is in my throat, I got sore throat.’ The Buddha say, ‘No problem, ok, ok, ok,’

A Dharma Teaching by Venerable Master Shi Jing Zong, the Abbot of the Hong Yuan Monastery, Anhui, China. Title: the correct and incorrect method of practice