Words of Wisdom by Venerable Dharma Master Shi Hui Jing

  1. As long as we have faith in the rescue of Amitabha Buddha,

That we want to be born in the World of Ultimate Bliss,

That we recite the Buddha’s Name,

That is the instant

We are on the Boat of the Original Vows of Amitabha Buddha.

It is not the case that we have to recite the Name

Until our mind is at peace and not confused,

That we have attained a continual recitation,

That our mind is Thus Unmoving in all situations,

Only then we are sitting on His Boat.

It is also not the case that we are reciting the Name now

And in future when our mind is not confused

Only then we are sitting on His Boat.

In reality, the instant we have faith in the Buddha,

The instant we recite the Name,

That is the instant we are on His Boat.


What kind of men are we?

We are the sinful, evil mundane men who are tied down to the transmigration of birth and death.

Our mind is covered with the defilements of greed, hatred and delusion.

We do not possess the strength to leave the transmigration on the six paths in the triple realm.

If we say we do possess some strength, we only have the karmic strength of transmigration on the six paths in the triple realm.

We do not have any strength of merits and virtues at all.

Today we are thankful to Amitabha Buddha who brings forth the vows for our sake, who cultivates on our behalf, who builds the World of Ultimate Bliss for us.

For our benefits he has accomplished and accumulated the merits and virtues for our attainment of rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss.

He transfers these merits and virtues to all the living beings in the ten directions.

If a man can understand this, he will surely be able to recite and uphold the Name Namo Amitabha Buddha with a mind full of respect.


By reciting the Buddha’s Name,

We will be sure of a rebirth.

This is Amitabha Buddha’s first promise.

Amitabha Buddha emits lights to shine on the Buddha reciters,

To gather them in.

He will never renounce them.

This is Amitabha Buddha’s second promise.

We Buddha reciters do not have to wait until our death bed to see the Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha will appear before us

To console us, to protect us, to welcome us even before we pass away.

This is the third promise of Amitabha Buddha.

If we do possess these three promises in life,

We are indeed leading a life of the highest blessings,

A life with total peace in mind.


Amitabha Buddha not only sees us just as seeing himself,

He even treats us as his parents.

He takes upon himself

Our karmic debts which were committed by us throughout the long kalpas.

For our sake he opens up the Dharma Treasury

So that we are able to accomplish the merits and virtues.

In this life we are able to leave the sufferings of poverty,

To be liberated from all kinds of disasters, difficulties and terror.

We become a peaceful Buddha reciter a

And in future we will be born in the Pure Land of Serenity.

We will leave the transmigration in the six paths forever.

There are many Buddha

But only the Buddha Amitabha brings forth such compassionate vows.


With the Name Namo Amitabha,

Amitabha Buddha uses it to call out

To all living beings.

At the same time,

The Amitabha Reciter

Also recites the six characters, Namo Amitabha

In respond to the call of the Buddha.

By doing so, The Buddha reciter is in the bright illumination of Amitabha Buddha,

Gathered in by Him,

And his attainment of a rebirth Is confirmed.


Whatever we are doing,

We should do them whole-heartedly.

Besides, we must truly wish to do it well,

Just as if we are working for the Buddha,

We are not working for other people.

Whatever that we are doing,

The Buddha is always there with us, doing the same job.

The Buddha is able to help us

To accomplish whatever that we are doing

With his full capacity that envelopes us.

Often the job is done

Far-surpassing what we have sought for,

Or that we have planned for.

Namo Amitabha Buddha


No Contention

A man with a mind of no contention

Is always calm at ease.

He does not see the rights and wrongs of others.

He does not hear the rights and wrongs of others.

Even if he sees them, or hears them,

It is as if no seeing, no hearing.

This is because he will not keep them

In his mind!


In this world,

Only the Buddha

Is replete with the most abundant loving kindness and grace

For all living beings.

Can we neglect such great kindness and care

And say we do not need them?

Everything in the world is sufferings, emptiness, impermanence, no self, impure.

Everything is empty and meaningless!

We cannot find anything new in them!

Every life form lives in accord with its way of life.

But living to solve the problems of livelihood is not enough!

We must look into life

And find a solution to solve the problems of life.

If we have faith in Amitabha Buddha and act in accordance with his teaching,

Blessings and virtues will follow us!

Our family will be blessed,

The work will be blessed,

Staying in the house or going out,

We will be blessed.

Even our saving and work are all well taken care of

By the Buddha.

When our life is enriched with our trust in Amitabha Buddha,

Only then can we appreciate its value!

Namo Amitabha Buddha



By Venerable Master Shi Hui Jing

To be old and decayed is my fixed destiny.

It is impossible for me to escape the destiny of being old and decayed!

To fall sick is my fixed destiny.

It is impossible for me to escape the suffering of illnesses!

To die is my fixed destiny.

It is impossible for me to escape death!

Whatever that I love,

Whatever that I enjoy,

And all my belongings now,

Will be apart from me forever.

This is a fixed destiny.

It is impossible for me to change it.

I carry along my karma,

May they be good karma or bad karma!

As I am bound by my karmic strength,

Pulled by my karmic strength!

It is impossible for me to change my destiny

In the transmigration of the six paths!

Everyone, please!

Do be reminded of Impermanence!

Bring forth the good faith in the Buddha

Please call on Namo Amitabha Buddha,

To seek a Rebirth in the Pure Land!

Namo Amitabha Buddha


Words of Wisdom by Venerable Master Shi Hui Jing

We must be honest in Amitabha recitation.

We do not contend with other people externally and internally.

We do not chit chat,

Nor do we talk about others’ rights and wrongs.

We do not bother about the states of accordance,

The states of discordance,

Joy and sufferings,

Praise, slander and defame.

We do not care to become famous!

We will not bother to outshine others!

All these actions occur naturally

Without pretentions.

While we are working, or not working

We recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

When people praise us,

We recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

When people look down on us,

We continue to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

In our mind,

There is only Namo😇😇😇 Amitabha Buddha.

We do not get involved in other matters. ⚽⚽⚽

This is known as Amitabha recitation without contention.

This is being genuine and honest in Amitabha recitation.

💕🙏Namo Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amitabha Buddha🙏💕🙏


The Merits and Virtues of Amitabha Recitation are inconceivable

By Venerable Master Shi Hui Jing

🏵️Staying at home to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha,

🏵️The Buddha’s lights will pervasively shine on all in the family.

🏵️At home we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha,

🏵️Those who go out will be safe.

🏵️Those who are alive recite Namo Amitabha Buddha,

🏵️The deceased will be rescued by Amitabha Buddha.

🏵️The elders in the family recite Namo Amitabha Buddha,

🏵️The children and grandchildren will be protected by the Buddha.

🏵️That is why the merits and virtues of Amitabha Recitation are inconceivable.

Namo Amitabha🏵️🙏 Buddha


Reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha to seek a rebirth is the Path of Liberation

💖When we give birth to our children,

💖Do we want them to seek liberation?

💖Or do we want them to commit more offences,

💖More karma

💖So that they will continue to transmigrate in the six paths,

💖To undergo more sufferings?

☘️This is the most important issue in our life. 🍀

🙏A man should first wish to attain liberation, to seek a rebirth.

❣️People whom we love most are our husband, our wife and children.

❣️We should wish that they will obtain liberation.

❣️If we do not incalcate in them these views,

❣️It means we are not caring enough.

❣️It means that our love is not genuine!

❣️If we really love them, we should give them the best gift in life,

❣️That is the Pure Land Dharma Door,

❣️The recitation of Amitabha Buddha

❣️To attain a rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss.

❣️This is the Path of Liberation.

🏵️💛Namo Amitabha Buddha💛🏵️