The Development of a Strong and Resolute Mind

Our mind possesses the firmest, the most magnificent and the most wonderful power.

It is the main source of all the human strength. If our mind is strong, it is easy to accomplish our job. If our mind is weak, nothing can be done.

Generally speaking, all the magnificent work which is completed by the great man in this world depends on his strong will.

Dharmakara Bodhisattva’s magnificent mind power enables him to accomplish the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. He aims to rescue all the living beings with his immeasurable bright illumination. This is the strongest mind power which is manifested in the Dharma Realm.

Most mundane men often find it difficult to complete their work because of a weak mind. Even though they have some good ideas, that they are given a good chance, yet they are unable to complete their work.

How to develop the strength in the mind so that it is strong and great? Here I have listed out three main points to help us to develop a strong mind power.

The mind possesses the great power and it is inconceivable. We mundane men are impossible to imagine this strength because we have many limitations.

So, the first step is to protect this precious source is not to waste it on unimportant matters.

But very often it is regretful to say most of us have wasted our mind power on anger, complaints, hatred, fear and we are at a loss. Our mind is filled with all kinds of worries and unending negative emotions. Every negative emotion will deduct a great section of the mind power and very often we find that we are strengthless to do anything.

How to stop from falling into negativity?

We must firmly believe in cause and effect. This is because everything comes forth from our mind creation. So, we should learn to accept whatever negativity that comes forth. If we are not too happy when everything goes on smoothly, we will not be too unhappy when things go against our wish. If we can conduct ourselves this way, we are already above most people.

If we do not believe in cause and effect, we will surely do something according to our false thoughts.

We thought with our strength we should be able to overcome all difficulties. With this type of mindset, we will surely do all kinds of planning, all kinds of calculation, bringing forth all kinds of ideas. We do not know all these will not be beneficial because very often they will have some harmful effect.

For example, if we keep on adding wood into a stove, thinking this is the way to make a big fire. We do not know it is not the amount of wood that decides the size of the fire. Instead when there is too much wood, the stove is over stuffed and the fire will not be big. It is a waste of wood. If we can keep some space in the stove so that the air can flow freely, with a few pieces of wood the fire will burn brightly.

To have some space for the air to enter means we firmly believe in cause and effect.

When our mind is empty it will be more alert and it will not act unnecessary.

In this way all the things will happen in accord with the rhythm of the nature and transform naturally. We will only act at the right time and this is the best way to save the strength of our mind.

While we are dwelling in negativity, weak and strengthless, dwelling in the low valley, we must learn the technique of hibernation, which means we do not do anything unnecessary.

We should just sit in stillness, observe the consequences and act when necessary, in accord with situations.

Just like a sparrow that flies into a cage it will be very frightened. As such it flew around crazily, hitting itself on the iron bar surrounding the cage until it is bleeding all over, exhausted.

A better solution is to stay put and pretend to be dead, immovable.

The strength of our mind can also be developed by maintaining a peaceful mind. This mind is very wonderful and efficacious. As long as we can keep calm, its strength will grow by itself, automatically.

After resting for a while, it will be charged.

It is like a tree. If we do not disturb its roots, it will grow up naturally.

The problem with us is that we are always very worried, with the mind water surging up and down continually throughout the days and nights. Hence it loses all its power, becomes weak and strengthless.

Besides, we must learn to cultivate the good habits of giving and helping others. With the accumulation of good deeds, the wholesome strength in the mind is greatly enhanced. Besides we can also create good affinities with others. It is like the rolling of a snowball that gets bigger and bigger when it is rolling on the snowy ground. The wholesome strength of our mind will also grow tremendously.

A kind mind is the basic connection in strength in all mankind. The sages and worthies with their magnificent mind power are most willing to share with us.

Let us take the analogy of doing a business but lacking in fund. We can borrow from others or from bank.

When we are weak in mind, we need to borrow from the sages and worthies who are honoured by us. The only difference is when we borrow money, we need to pay back. But when we borrow the mind power from the virtuous ones, we do not have to pay back. Those who believe in gods can borrow the strength from god. Those who have faith in the Buddha can borrow from the Buddha.

A Buddha reciter who can give up his life as a mortgage to Amitabha Buddha will have unlimited access to the great strength and powerful mind of Amitabha Buddha. This is the purest source of power in the Dharma Realm which is without any pollution.

If we want to talk about the spreading of Dharma to benefit living beings, we mundane men are strengthless.

But if we are able to rely on the strength of the Buddha, we will be able to lead a peaceful life. We will surely not be so frightened or act in accord with our false and confused mind.

We are indeed saving lots of mind energy.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

An essay written by Venerable Master Shi Jing Zong