Fo Xin ran barefooted on the Golden Ground

I am Fo Qian from Anhui Province.

In the year 2011 I started to learn the Pure Land Dharma Door in the Shandao lineage.

I have a daughter who is lively but a little stubborn. Her Dharma Name is Fo Xin.

She is about five years old.

As we are a Buddhist family, we will recite Namo Amitabha Buddha on our way to kindergarten or at home.

Little Fo Xin has dreamt of Amitabha Buddha and the supreme World of Ultimate Bliss three times.

Today, with the ripe causes and conditions, I would like to share with you her dreams.

Do not belittle her for being young as she is replete with firm and solid faith in the World of Ultimate Bliss and Amitabha Buddha.

If she is angry with me, she will cry and say she is going to attain a rebirth in the Pure Land!

In September last year (2019), she was nearly five years old.

One day, she told me,

‘Mummy, last night while I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed, I saw Amitabha Buddha, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and many Bodhisattvas whom I do not recognize.

They emitted such great lights to shine on us at our house.

Our house became so bright.

Some of them were standing, some were sitting on the lotuses.

They observe us quietly.

I looked at them for a while and fell asleep.’ 

Amitabha Buddha and all these Bodhisattvas are emitting lights in our house!

No wonder our family is so blessed!

It is most thankful as Amitabha Buddha emits lights unceasingly to protect our family!

On hearing this, I was truly happy and laughed heartily.

Not long after that she woke up in the morning and told me excitedly,

‘Mother, yesterday, Amitabha Buddha brought me to the space.

You and my good friend went up together.’

I asked laughingly, ‘Is not it the World of Ultimate Bliss?’

She answered, ‘No, it is the space because I could even see the earth!

It is truly exciting to play in the space! Aren’t you there too? Why can’t you remember this?’

In her third dream, that was at the end of the year.

It was at night and she was already lying on her bed.

But she said she wanted to eat something.

I told her it was too late, that it was not good to eat at night as it might affect our sleep.

Jokingly, I told her,

‘If you want to eat something, then recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. Let Amitabha Buddha bring you to the World of Ultimate Bliss. You can tell Amitabha Buddha what you want to eat.’

Unexpectedly she cried loudly, complaining to Amitabha Buddha, ‘Amitabha Buddha, I want to go to the World of Ultimate Bliss. I want to attain a rebirth right now!’

I consoled her by her side and she continued to cry, screaming that she wanted to attain a rebirth.

Maybe she was tired playing the whole day that she gradually fell asleep.  

The next day, she woke up. I asked her, ‘Yesterday, did you go to the World of Ultimate Bliss?’

She was thinking for a while.

Then she suddenly stood up,

‘Yes, I went there. I ran barefooted on the golden ground. It was such a fun!

In the World of Ultimate Bliss, there are so much delicious food on the table! I could see biscuits, lollipops, strawberries, bananas….

Yes, I also saw lotuses of many colours. There are red lotuses, yellow, blue and purplish lotuses….

There are so many birds! I saw the peacocks, magpies, sparrows, swallows…..

I even played with the puppies, rabbits and other small animals!

The Bodhisattvas there are wearing colourful dresses flying here and there. They are so beautiful!

The World of Ultimate Bliss is truly wonderful. I do not feel like coming back here.’

It is just as Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong has instructed:

In Amitabha recitation, we just recite Namo Amitabha Buddha even though we may not truly understand.

It is fine because when we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha’s lights are shining on us.

The Buddha is standing on our summit.

The Buddha is staying in our mind.

The Buddha and our body combine into one.

Wherever we go, the Buddha will always follow along to protect us.








Author: oridharma

Charitable | Dharma Protector | Compassion

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