Dharma Words by Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong (8)


Amitabha Buddha is the best craftsman.

As long as you dare to surrender to him,

he will carve you into a Buddha image,

even if you are a piece of rotten wood.

This is because our Buddha Nature is unchangeable. Once you arrive at the Land of Amitabha Buddha, your Buddha Nature is revealed instantly. Namo Amitabha Buddha

By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong




The meaning of innate nature and form appearance which are perfectly merged together resembles the water and its waves.

The six syllables Buddha’s Name with the merits and virtues resembles the water.

The Buddha, the Bodhisattvas, the Lands and everything are the waves gushing out from the Pure Oceans of Wisdom.

And the Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Oceans of Wisdom is expansive, magnificent and limitless.

It pervades the Dharma Realm.

Here we who are reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha are the small waves in the Pure Oceans of Wisdom.

The words of endorsement on the Primal Teachings of Contemplation Sutra-033 By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong








摘自《观经疏楷定记》讲记 033


It is truly comfortable

If you dislike sufferings, pass it onto Amitabha Buddha.

We do not like afflictions, then pass them onto Amitabha Buddha.

Whatever that we dislike, whatever that we despise, just pass them onto Amitabha Buddha.

We only do what we like, keeping our happiness, maintaining our composure.

As we have already passed on to Amitabha Buddha, we will let him decide.

We will not get involved anymore.

If we are still thinking about it, not giving it up, we have not passed it up to Amitabha Buddha.

Or we have taken it back.

The pain and disease in our body is the retribution of our karma. It is more difficult to pass on to the Buddha. The afflictions in our mind belongs to the cause of our karma. It is much easier to pass on to Amitabha Buddha. Once we have relieved ourselves of all entanglements, once we rely totally on Amitabha Buddha, we are so relieved, so comfortable. By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong








Habitual ambiences are the residual afflictions.

A habit is formed by repeating certain actions constantly, persistently.

These days we use the words ‘practice’ or ‘revision’.

It means that we repeat what we are doing.

What are we repeating every day?

Every day we train ourselves in afflictions.

We keep on repeating our greed, hatred and delusion.

As the saying goes, ‘It is easy to recourse the mountains and rivers but it is difficult to change our original nature.’

This original nature means ‘taking the habit as our second nature’.

We repeat our habitual actions, train them, enhance them, making the habits as our instinctive nature.

Finally, they become our second nature and it is truly difficult to change them.

So, every day we are training and repeating greed, hatred and delusion.

Finally, greed, hatred and delusion become our instinctive nature. It is not easy to change them, right? Naturally, there is a strong force that pulls us to transmigrate in the triple realm. So, they are our ‘Primary afflictions’.

‘Habits’ means the repeated actions. Ambiences are the atmosphere, an aura.

For examples, let us take a small teapot which we use to warm up tea. Now even though we have poured away the tea, rinse it thoroughly, we can still smell the tea.

Some people are born with certain hobbies, habits. These hobbies and habits are totally different from others.

Clearly, we know this is not learnt in this lifetime.

From the angle of the Buddha Dharma, they are the habitual ambiences from the past lives.

So, our habitual nature is also known as habitual ambiences which has the tendency to pass down into the future lifespan.

The words of endorsement on the Primal Teachings of Contemplation Sutra-034 By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong






摘自《观经疏楷定记》讲记 034


We have long been told by the Buddha that time is simply an illusion.

All the myriad dharmas are originally the Immeasurable Lifespan or Nirvana.

They are neither born nor become extinct.

This is Still Extinction. But once we give rise to a thought, the illusion of time comes forth with the manifestation of births and deaths.

Namo Amitabha Buddha




What is meant by ‘Amitabha Buddha’s Original Vows and the meanings of the Name’?

The Original Vows are the causes.

The Meanings of the Name are the fruits.

The ‘Name’ of the Buddha is not empty.

It is a Name with the following contents.

It possesses the meanings of the Buddha’s Merits and Virtues.

This means the Name reveals the immeasurable adornments in the Proper Rewards and the Dependent Rewards in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

When we take refuge single-mindedly in Amitabha Buddha and call the Amitabha Buddha’s Name,

we will be able to enter the merits and virtues of the Name and be replete with the functions of the Name,

relying on the Thus Come One’s Power as he has already accomplished the Original Vows.

And at the instant of reciting the Name Namo Amitabha Buddha we will enter the noumena realm of Serenity Bliss.

This is because the noumena realm of Serenity Bliss

is found in Amitabha Buddha’s Original Vows

and in the meanings of the Name itself.

The words of endorsement on the Primal Teachings of Contemplation Sutra-

By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong










I do not aim to gain wealth and prestige.

It is good just to have enough food and clothes.

Even if I am lacking in food and clothes, it is good to be able to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

I do not mind to die of hunger or cold.

As I have often said, ‘

My life is one hundred percent perfect if there is food and Amitabha recitation.

With nothing to eat but there is still the Amitabha recitation, life is still a hundred percent perfect.

For a rich, powerful and well-known man

who enjoys lots of benefits,

if he is not an Amitabha reciter,

his life is equivalent to zero or even a minus

because he is on the way to transmigration. He is heading towards the lower realms. Namo Amitabha Buddha

By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong







Having faith means to believe sincerely with joys. This is not a condition. This is a pledge.

Bringing forth the vows is to desire for a rebirth in my Land. This is not condition. This is a call.

The Practice refers to even ten recitations. This is not a condition. This is a gift.

In the Pure Land sect, faith, vows and the practice are not conditions. Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong







Whatever Sutras we are reading, we must direct our mind to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha exclusively.

This is taking refuge genuinely.

Even when we are taking refuge in the Triple Gem, the Patriarchs, Good Knowing Advisers, we must also return to this exclusive recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha as this is the genuine way in taking refuge.

It is because everything in the Triple Gem is the extension of the name and meanings of Amitabha Buddha.

This is known as the ‘inter- related meanings of being extensive and brief’.

While making obeisance to Great Master Shandao, bowing to our Honourable Masters and Good Knowing Advisers, we do not bow to them as individual entity, but as the revelation of the kind and compassionate rescue of Amitabha Buddha.

So, they are the revelation from the merits and virtues of the Name and Meanings of Namo Amitabha Buddha.

They are a part of Amitabha Buddha.

Their appearance is a way whereby Amitabha Buddha reveals himself.

Amitabha reciters are also the waves of the Great Jewel Oceans, the merits and virtues of the Name and Meanings of Amitabha Buddha.

We also see ourselves, the Amitabha reciters as the opening up of the merits and virtues of Amitabha Buddha’s Name and its meanings.

We on our own do not possess such abilities.

And this is known as the genuine refuge.

In the Shastra of Attaining a Rebirth, it is thus stated, ‘We recite the Name of the Thus Come One as we wish to be replete with the wisdom of bright illumination of the Thus Come One, in accord with the meanings of His Name.

This is because we desire to cultivate genuinely in respond to the Buddha’s teachings.’

‘The name and meanings’ encompass all the Triple Gems in the three periods of time in the ten directions.

The genuine refuge is practising genuinely in respond to the Buddha’s teaching.

The words of endorsement on the Primal Teachings of Contemplation Sutra-038 By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong









摘自《观经疏楷定记》讲记 038


‘Gathering in’ and ‘bestowment’ are explained by Great Master Xian Yi as ‘the meaning of being supported and upheld by the Buddha’s power.

In the Shastra of Attaining a rebirth, it is thus stated, ‘Amitabha Buddha the Proper Enlightened One is the Dharma King who is good at supporting and upholding.’

This means that the World of Ultimate Bliss is upheld by the wholesome strength of Amitabha Buddha’s merits and virtues.

The flowers and grass, the ponds of seven jewel, the water of eight virtues in the World of Ultimate Bliss are the states of Nirvana.

The strength of the Buddha’s support is revealed not only in the World of Ultimate Bliss, it is revealed here in the Saha World.

When we are seeking the Buddha to bestow upon us the hidden protection, to gather us in, we are still in the Saha world, not the World of Ultimate Bliss.

So, even here we still can receive the power of the Buddha in protecting and gathering us in.

Without the strength of the Buddha in upholding us, how can we attain a rebirth in the Pure Land?

How can we live in peace and calmness in the present lifespan, that our mind is so blissful?

This is the hidden strength of Amitabha Buddha in gathering us in, in protecting us.

This strength of upholding the living beings is known as the ‘Hidden strength in protecting and gathering in’, in this lifespan.

In the Contemplation Sutra, it is thus stated, ‘The mind becomes the Buddha. The mind is the Buddha.’

When we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, the Dharma Body of Amitabha Buddha is dwelling in our mind at the same instant, upholding our mind.

Dwelling means ‘staying’and ‘upholding’ means maintaining’.

In this way our mind will not fall into pieces, dispersed. ‘

Dwelling’ carries the meaning of unchanging.

Indeed, dwelling and upholding means maintaining the present state.

For example, we hope to stay young forever.

These are only good wishes.

But if we really keep Amitabha Buddha in our mind,

We will truly remain young.

We will be replete with the youthfulness of a Bodhisattva,

The Dharma Bliss of Immeasurable Lifespan and Serenity Bliss.

This is known as the ‘dwelling and upholding by the Buddha’s strength’.

The words of endorsement on the Primal Teachings of Contemplation Sutra-036 By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong









摘自《观经疏楷定记》讲记 036


‘Gathering in without abandoning’ means catching hold of us, not letting go of the grab.

In the morning and at night, Amitabha Buddha will not let go of his grab on us, abandoning us.

The 84 thousand bright illuminations of Amitabha Buddha are like a net that envelopes us, just like a mosquito netting.

We are all covered in the nettings of Buddha’s bright lights, in many layers.

We are not apart from the Buddha’s lights, nor abandoned by his lights.

This is known as gathering in continually, without abandoning.

By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong

“摄取不舍” 就是抓住我们不放,白天晚上不丢开我们,不抛弃我们。阿弥陀佛的八万四千光明,像网篮一样,把我们兜在里面;像蚊帐一样,把我们罩在里面;像罗网一样,把我们层层地包在里面,不离开我们,不丢掉我们,这叫摄取不舍。



Are you sure you do not have time to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha?

If you are sincere in the practice, there is lots of time to recite the Buddha’s Name.

You should set Amitabha recitation as the priority in life.

Our surrounding is created by us.

Even if we are truly very busy, but as we wish to recite the Buddha’s name, we will find time to call on the Buddha.

The only problem is we do not bother to recite.

In our mind we tell ourself it is unimportant.

We feel that births and deaths are not important, that the attainment of a rebirth is unimportant.

If we really care about births and deaths,

About the attainment of a rebirth,

The mind of gratitude will arise in us.

We will surely recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.











No one bother about rights and wrongs

When the road is congested, is it necessary to catch hold of the culprit who competes for the fast lane, who blocks the road, or whatever reasons they might be?

As usual no one will bother about this!

All we want is the block is cleared, the traffic is smooth.

When the police come, they will not look for the ‘suspect’ who has created the obstacles.

The police will simply direct the traffic so that everyone can travel on.

Every one listens to his instructions without objections.

No one will stop there and say, ‘It is not my fault! Why should I reverse my car to give way to him?’

The reason is everyone understands,

‘When one is movable, the other will move on. When one is at the dead end, all will be blocked.’

When we try to determine who is right and who is wrong, giving all kinds of excuses, this is not the way to live.

Coming to a compromise with the situation, giving ways to others, then we can move on.

All the big or minor happenings in life, all the big or small issues between countries which end up in a deadlock, are exactly like the blockage on the road.

If we are willing to take a step backwards, to come to a compromise, the situation will swiftly be improved.





Sending you the void of empty space as it is spacious, replete with houses and our close friends.

We can travel in and out in peace and ease.

It is adorned with the sun, the moon and all the stars.

Sending you the void of empty space as it is originally natural, requires no effort.

From the Kalpas of no beginning these men and women only stay in their house.

Please come out to take a walk.

It is truly a leisure, a bliss.

Sending you my friends, the void of empty space.

Why are you still burying yourself in that small hut?

Come out to enjoy the wind blowing by millions of miles as you have desired.

It is spacious, ultimately expansive and boundless.

By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong









Reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha once is equivalent to the recitation of ‘The Great Treasury Sutra Store’ once.

In Taiwan, there was a very respectable Elder Master, the Honourable Shi Guang Qin.

He recited Namo Amitabha Buddha throughout his life.

Before passing away, there was a special teaching which was most meaningful.

He told his disciple, ‘I am leaving soon. Please take out the Great Treasury Sutra Store and recite for me.’

On hearing this, all his disciples became very busy. Carrying out all kinds of Sutras and asked, ‘Shifu, how to recite?’ The Elder answered, ‘Recite all!’

On hearing this, surely all the disciples were busily reciting the Sutras, am I right?

Some recited the ‘Heart Sutra’, others recited ‘Earth Store Sutra’, ’Vajra Sutra’.

Everyone was reciting a Sutra while the Elder just sat there and recited, ‘Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha’ and left for the Pure Land in the most stylish way.

What does he mean when he says ‘Recite all!’?

It means ‘reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha’ is ‘reciting all the Sutras’.

The recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha is the recitation of all the Sutras in the Great Treasury Store. Great Master Guang Qin is a wise man.

He likes to act this way!

Finally, his disciples managed to understand the recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha is known as ‘Reciting all the Sutras!’

Can you imagine we have to recite the Sutras before we die?

Where to find the time?

Right, no more time!

So, we just recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

So, we might as well recite Namo Amitabha Buddha while we are still alive.

Reciting the Buddha’s Name is more than enough!










