Staying sound in Body and Mind

Question: Master, how to be sound in body and mind?

Answer: This is a big question.

From the ancient time until today, all the human activities, may they be the philosophy, science, culture, art, religion, entertainment or even our daily livelihood working as a worker, a farmer, a business man, all of them are aiming to help us to be sound in body and mind.

Are we really settle down in body and mind finally?

May be for some people they are sound in body and mind temporarily, in a very shallow level.

But most of the people are unsettled.

If we are to see from the ultimate level, none of us have reached a sound state of existence, except the Buddha.

So, it is truly difficult to be sound in body and mind.

Can you imagine how difficult it is?

As the Buddha has said, ‘It is like a man who is carrying the wood to cross a fire.

He has to walk across a burning fire, carrying a big bundle of wood.

It is totally impossible for him to prevent any one of the woods from catching fire.

It also resembles a floating leaf on the wavy water.

How could it be possible If we desire the leaf to stay still?

How do we stay sound and composure in body and mind?

For example, we often hope that things will remain consistent.

If everything remains stable and consistent, we are relaxed.

It is like travelling on a bus.

If the bus is shaking constantly, we are uneasy.

But we are sitting on the great earth, it remains still all the while.

We are at ease then!

The problem is this is not the way of the world as it keeps on changing and moving. Surely, it is impossible to stay calm in such circumstances.

If we dwell in bliss, we are calm at ease.

Blissfulness enables us to be sound in body and mind.

The problem is this world is a world which is full of sufferings.

As we are pressurized by the environment of sufferings, we cannot keep calm.

If our body and mind are at ease, that we are free to make our decision, we will be at ease.

The problem is we are the entity of ‘No -self’ which is constantly controlled by our environment, bind up by our surroundings.

We have no control over them.

So, we are always uneasy.

The genuine state of soundness in body and mind can only be realized when we dwell in Nirvana.

The Buddha has ultimately enlightened and certified to Nirvana.

Only the Buddha alone has arrived at the serenity in body and mind.

Of course, the Buddha knows that living beings are constantly living in sufferings, in an unsettled state of existence.

So, he vows to bring living beings to dwell in a state of calmness in body and mind. The Buddha enters the world and speaks all kinds of Dharma Doors. But most of the Dharma Doors are too difficult for us to practise.

That is why, in this worldly realm, the best method to bring our body and mind to calmness is to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

In Amitabha recitation, there are two types of profound faith:

We firmly believe that we are the sinful mundane men who dwell in the transmigration of births and deaths.

We also deeply believe that Amitabha Buddha wants to rescue the mundane men. We believe that by reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha we will surely attain a rebirth to attain Buddhahood in the Western Land.

This is the fundamental condition to bring our body and mind to dwell in peace.

So, we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha continually, every day.

Even though we are still dwelling in the world of impermanence, with constant changes, we can hide ourselves in the Six Syllables Buddha’s Name.

It is as though we are travelling on a big, solid and firm ship.

Even though we are yet to leave the water, even though we are going up and up in accord with the waves, we are very sure we will not fall into the water.

Amitabha recitation enables us to dwell in a sound state of existence in body and mind because in times of adversities, we still feel safe, calm and comfortable.

Let us not talk about the happy states when everything goes well as we desire.

We are the commoners who often get agitated in undesirable situations.

For example, an Amitabha reciter who on encountering afflictions, facing all kinds of discordances will surely recite Namo Amitabha Buddha persistently.

He will surely rely on Amitabha Buddha.

This resembles the lotus which is undefiled by the filthy mud.

In the Sagely Path, afflictions and defilements will hinder us from cultivating the Dharma door.

But in the Pure Land Door, when we are greatly afflicted, when our karmic hindrances become so heavy, when we are pressurized by the bitter environment, we will surely let go of them, heading towards the Western Land, willing to leave the Saha world for good.

We will surely rely totally, wholeheartedly on Amitabha Buddha.

In this way our mind to practise the path, our mind of care and pity on others, our vows to attain a rebirth will greatly be enhanced.

 Is not this the most wonderfully expedient Dharma Door?

Besides, we are replete with the profound faith in potential and Dharma. We understand that by reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha we are sure of our rebirth.

We are not so bothered by this world anymore.

We will not seek whatever that we cannot achieve.

This is an easy way to stay sound in body and mind.

This may be the case but we mundane men will surely be affected by the tiny waves of afflictions when our six roots encounter the six dusts, when we see and hear with our eyes and ears.

Sometimes, when we lose the ability to subdue ourselves, we will still sigh, ‘Gosh, it is truly difficult!’

This is the part we have to adjust ourselves gradually, based on the foundation of faith.

As I have mentioned before: While travelling on the ship, we are safe from falling into the water. Though, we are still affected by the waves.

Once we have arrived at the Pure Land, we will ascend the shore of Nirvana.

This is the state of ultimate bliss.

Namo Amitabha Buddha-

By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong



















