Instilling a Peaceful Mind in the Pure Land Practice

To be humble and respectful shows that we believe, we are willing to learn.

A humble man would always stay low, giving ways to others.

A respectful man will bow low in honour. He is not self-satisfied nor complacent.

Staying low, giving ways to others means he will not contend with others in all circumstances.

To be humble and respectful is the most important practice in the Pure Land Sect to inculcate a peaceful mind. When we are humble, we will renounce self-effort. When we are respectful, we will rely totally on other’s power. This is the only explanation when we talk about the faith in potential and the faith in the Dharma.

A regretful and remorseful mind is corresponding to a respectful mind. Because of our faith in our potential, we are always regretful and remorseful. Because of our faith in the Dharma, we will recite Namo Amitabha Buddha sincerely with total respect.

Any contributions or sacrifices should be conducted without other’s knowledge. There is not a mundane man who can receive the rescue of the Buddha by doing the merits and virtues of wholesome deeds. This is because the merits and virtues of good deeds help us to realize our faults and sins.

Whatever that we want to do, do it wholeheartedly, just as though we are doing for the Buddha, not for other people. The Buddha will not judge us in the way a man gives his judgement. The Buddha will look at our mind, our intention. The Buddha wants us to be pure and sagely when we talk, when we are thinking, when we are on duties.

Travelling on the ship of Great Compassion and Great Vows, floating on the great oceans of bright illumination, a man with genuine virtues stays in calmness, in the silent breeze. All the disasters are recourse and dispersed.

We will lead a joyful life. When everything thing goes our way, we are most grateful. In difficult circumstances, we still live happily with a mind of regrets and repentance.




惭愧常与恭敬相应, 以信机故,惭愧常生,以信法故,恭敬愈至。



慧净上人简短法语汇集 (十)

Dharma Words of Great Master Shandao (7)

An extract from the Complete Compilation of Great Master Shandao’s Teaching-

the Five Sections and Nine Rolls-7 Exhortation to leave filth, to seek purity

五部九卷摘要-善导大师全集–七、劝厌秽欣净 (厌欣)


We should not be attached to the mundane birth and death greedily without despising them.

We should not look down on Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land and refuse to go. I

f we despise birth and death, we will forever be severed from the Saha world.

If we love the World of Ultimate Bliss, we will stay there always.

-Verses In praise of Pratyutpanna Samadhi




  —般 舟 赞—


If a man wants to leave the body of birth and death in the Saha world, to renounce the eight sufferings, the five sufferings, who on hearing the Dharma will bring forth the faith to practise it, we should quickly tell him the Dharma without a care of our life.

If we can bring one man to leave sufferings, to leave births and deaths, this is truly repaying the kindness of the Buddha.

Why do I say so?

All the Buddhas enter the world use all kinds of expedients to exhort living beings, to transform them.

They do not wish that living beings will only enjoy the bliss of men and devas by abstaining from evils and cultivating blessings.

The bliss of men and devas resemble the lightnings.

In just an instant, the enjoyment is over and they will enter the three evil paths to undergo unending sufferings.

Because of such causes and conditions, living beings are exhorted to seek a rebirth in the Pure Land, to aim for the Unsurpassed Bodhi.

That is why now we will exhort all who have affinities to seek a rebirth in the Pure Land.

This is in accord with the Original Vows and the intention of all Buddhas.

The meaning of the Wholesomeness of Samadhi











是故今时,有缘相劝,誓生净土 ,即称诸佛本愿意也。

 —定 善 义—


Having parents, wives and children by hundreds of thousand million in number, they are not the enhanced conditions on the Bodhi Path.

In every thought we think of one another and this is the bondage that brings us all into the evil paths.

After passing away everyone goes different ways to undergo the retributions.

We cannot even recognize each other.

We might be born into the forms of pigs, goats, in the domains of the six domestic animals, wearing fur and horns for many lives!

When will this come to an end?

Fortunately, we are born as humans now!

On top of that we are listening to the most important Dharma.

We should quickly leave the foreign lands, to return to our own country.

It is such a joy to see our father.

It is indeed great to meet the Bodhisattvas and Sravaka.







Father and son welcome each other, as they enter the Great Assembly.

Father asks us about the sufferings in the six paths.

Those who are attached to an attainment reap the rewards of man and devas.

Some are born into hunger, encountering all kinds of sufferings,

With sores and wounds covering the body.

At that time, on listening to the sufferings of the sons,

Amitabha Buddha and the Great Assembly feel greatly sorry.

They take pity on the sufferings of the sons.

Amitabha Buddha says to his sons, the Buddha disciples,

That they should not blame others,

As all the sufferings come upon us because of our misconduct.

Verses in praise of the Prayutpanna Samadhi

4 父子相迎入大会,即闻六道苦辛事,或有所得人天报,饥饿困苦体生疮。


  —般 舟 赞—


From the time of no beginning, I have been born repeatedly.

All these whiles I have committed the ten evils bringing harm to all living beings.

I am unfilial to my parents and I slander the Triple Gem.

I have committed the five rebellious acts and unwholesome karmas.

Because of the causes and conditions of these offences, I fall into the bondage of false thinking and inverted views.

I deserve to undergo the sufferings of immeasurable births and deaths.

With a regretful mind I make obeisance to the Buddha in repentance.

May my sins be put into extinction.






For many Kalpas I often harbour a mind of jealousy, arrogance and heedlessness out of delusion.

Constantly I got myself enveloped in the poisonous fire of hatred and anger which burns up all the good roots of kindness and wisdom.

Today only I realize my faults after pondering over my conduct.

I am resolute to bring forth a mind of great diligence, a mind of rejoice on other’s merits.

Verses of praise on bowing to attain a rebirth 





Even if we were to enjoy the five desires for a thousand years, these are the enhancing causes and conditions to prolong our sufferings in the hell. Greed, hatred and delusion, the ten evil karmas will come forth continually. They are not the causes of liberation, Nirvana. Living beings are not afraid of the three evil paths as they continue to commit the many offences. They destroy and put the Triple gems into extinction. Such people will sink deep into the seas of sufferings. When a man is unfilial to his parents, scolding his relatives and retinues, he will toil in the hell without respite. 






Unfilial to our parents, scolding the Triple Gems, we are welcomed by the hellish fire at our death bed.

Slandering and slighting our six relatives, transgressing the pure precepts, we will also fall into the hell.

Killing living beings for their meat, we will fall into the hell of burning fire directly.





Stealing and robbing the belongings of Triple Gems and living beings, we also fall into the hell without a date of release. Stealing and robbing from our parents and the six relatives, we will also enter such hell.




Living being who insult and speak ill about the Triple Gems will enter the hell after passing away, without a date of release.

Committing the karma of foul mouth, double tongue speech in greed, hatred and arrogance, they are born pervasively in the eight million hell.




At all times we should be remind of the hell and this enables us to bring forth the enhanced mind to seek a rebirth in the Pure Land.

We swear that we will not commit the karma of the three evil paths.

Even the enjoyment in the human and heavenly realms are not what we want.

Suddenly we remember the prolong session of sufferings in the hell, we dare not forget the Land of Serenity Bliss even for a short instant.

The Buddha Land of Serenity Bliss is the Noumena Land.

It is the best place for us to live ultimately.






Greed and anger are the karma of transmigration.

How can afflictions become the cause of No-Birth?

Witnessing the suffering of the burning fire of greed and hatred, we might as well go back to Amitabha Buddha’s Land.




When we only know the present enjoyment of wine and meat, we do not realize our names are already registered in the hell.

Once we enter the hell, the sufferings are unending.

Only then we remember the Good Knowing Advisers in the human realm.

The offender is down with acute illness at the death bed.

His consciousness is deluded and his mind is confusedly inverted.

He can only see the hell coming forth before him.

Cold sweat wells up from the pores and he tries to catch hold of something in vain.

At such a state of sufferings, who can really save him?

The only person who can save him is the very kind Amitabha Buddha







The ferocious fire from the hell is burning towards the offender.

At that moment he encounters a Good Knowing Adviser who with Great Kindness and Compassion teaches him to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

The great fire from the hell is transformed into cold breeze, which blows down the whirling heavenly flowers. Transformation Buddhas and Bodhisattvas sitting on the flowers also come forth.





Pervasively I would like to exhort all the living beings in the realms of birth and death in the ten directions

To sever evils together.

All of you should come to my Land.

Once you have entered the Land of Nirvana which dwells permanently, there is nothing for you to worry from then onwards.




Be careful, do not be heedless in conducting your three karmas.

The karmic paths are clear and obvious.

No one can escape the retributions.



It is better to stay in the closed golden lotus for hundreds of thousands Kalpas than to fall into the hell just for an instant.



A man who is born blind only follows his karmas.

In accord with the conditions, he falls into the deep pits.

Indulging in the fire of greed and hatred, he harms himself and others.

Sinking deep in the seas of ignorance, there is no way for him to encounter the wood.

-Verses in praise of Pratyutpanna Samadhi




   —般 舟 赞—


Wandering in the triple realm, we enter the jail of womb because of love and delusion.

After we are born, we will get old and die, sinking deeply in the seas of sufferings.

Now, I am cultivating this blessing and the merits are transferred to attain a rebirth in the Land of Serenity Bliss.





I wish to renounce the form of a womb.

I seek to be born in the Land of Serenity Bliss.

Swiftly I will see Amitabha Buddha with a body replete with limitless merits and virtues.

I will make offerings to all the Thus Come One and attend to them personally.

I will also see and make offerings to the Worthies and Sages.

I will be replete with the six spiritual power to rescue the suffering beings.

Reaching the end of the empty space in the Dharma realm, this is the same for my Vows. -Verses in praise of bowing to seek a rebirth





