Amitabha Buddha welcomed my mother who refused to call His Name while alive

I am Cai Bing Lin. My Dharma Name is Jing Lin. I stay in Central Taiwan, a member of the Pure Land Society.

As I have profound faith in the rescue of Amitabha Buddha and I understand that every recitation is the call of Amitabha Buddha who wants to rescue me.

That is why I become a full time vegetarian and join the Metta Voluntary Work.

But regretfully, I am unable to exhort my mother to have faith in the Buddha, to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

My mother Cai Chen Juan, a very traditional lady is eighty-one years old this year (2021).

For her, the recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha is for the deceased. That is why it is a taboo for her to hear the recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha.

My wife Jingru and I have tried all means to tell her about the goodness of Amitabha Buddha. But my mother does not like to hear this. She does not believe at all. Even when we switched on the Buddha recitation device, she would signal us to off it.

I even brought her to join in Amitabha Buddha group cultivation, to listen to the instructions of Dharma Master. She would only nod her head just to be respectful. But in her mind, she refused to accept the teaching. I could only say she had not even recited Namo Amitabha Buddha once when she was alive.

In the year 106, my mother had a fall and was sent to the emergency ward in the hospital. The doctor told us her brain was injured and she had lost the ability to recognize people. From then onwards, mother could not walk nor talk. Her brain had retarded to the stage of a child. She could not recognize any one. Under such a circumstance, I had once felt that mother was indeed very heavy in offences this life, especially her refusal in Amitabha recitation. It looks as though there is simply no chance for her to attain a rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

In the year 109, the second day of December, at about noon time, my mother was choked when she swallowed the egg roll. After sending her to the emergency ward, she had lost all signs of life. At such an acute situation, the doctor asked if I would allow him to insert the tubes and use the electric shock, trying to save her life.

At that time, I was thinking that mother had been working hard the whole life. Now at the old age she was paralyzed. It was a real suffering for her. I remembered once when she was still conscious, she had told me not to save her life in emergency. I only hope that my mother would attain a rebirth calmly, with honour. So, I refused the doctor’s suggestion and gave up all forms of emergency aid.

At about one twenty-three in the afternoon, mother passed away. As mother did not have faith in the Buddha when she was alive, my only wish is to conduct aided recitation for her for eight hours. I hope to fulfil this final task as a son to show my love for her. Maybe Amitabha Buddha also heard my wish and the whole arrangement was carried out in the most supreme and perfect way.

When my mother was sent to the underground room in the hospital for aiding recitation, Dharma Master Jing En came swiftly to give instructions to her about Amitabha Recitation. He guided my mother to seek a rebirth in the Western Land. Later he also made arrangement for three groups of lotus friends to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha until 12 am in the morning. The aided recitation was carried out perfectly.

The next day, Master told me urgently about my mother’s condition in kindness and compassion, He said, ‘The deceased who dwells in the bardo body within forty -nine days will be confused and unsettled.’ So, he advised me to recite more Namo Amitabha Buddha for mother so as to help her to leave sufferings, to attain bliss.

Besides, Master also arranged another two sessions of aided recitation for mother before the funeral. I also joined in recitation in Amitabha recitation society every day.

On the ninth day of December, in the morning, the lotus friends came in groups to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha at the prayer hall. This was the first seven days after the passing away of my mother. In the Amitabha recitation, one of the lotus friends by the name Cai Su Zhu (Dharma Name Jing Nian) saw an orange flower by the side of the Coloured clouds Buddha. The flower was flying about the image. She thought that this happened because of her blur eye-sight. So, she closed her eyes to rest for a while. When she opened her eyes again, she saw the orange lotus which became more distinct beside the Buddha image, emitting the shiny bright lights. She said that she had never seen such a beautiful flower before. It stayed there for about three minutes. But those by her side did not see.

In the morning, the 13th of December, Master Jing En came personally to conduct the Goodbye ceremony for mother. We sent her off by reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha. At that time, my Indonesian maid Aya, who has the spiritual eyes personally saw mother sitting on a lotus in the air. She was very well dressed. She came to say good bye to her and thanked her for taking good care of her when she was ill. Aya cried and said, ‘No, Aya did not take good care of Ama (Grandma).’

At first, I thought mother had no affinity with the Buddha because of her stubborn character. She did not believe in the Buddha and refused to recite the Buddha’s Name. I thought we could only help her to plant a Buddha seed, so that her affinity with the Buddha will be ripened in future. I did not expect that the rescue of Amitabha Buddha is truly kind and compassionate, that he will not renounce anyone, even my mother who had refused to recite His Name. He also came forth to save her. He bestowed upon me such a great Dharma Bliss, the bliss of a calm mind on witnessing such auspiciousness. Written on the 29th of January, 2021

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Author: oridharma

Charitable | Dharma Protector | Compassion

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