The Body resembles the dews, the Mind is the flower petals!

Reciting the Dharma words for her and she attains a rebirth immediately

On the day when I was teaching the Dharma at Fenchuan family, I went to visit the Grandmother of my niece at Kyoto.

Grandmother was very ill.

At night about nine pm I went up the second floor and saw about twenty relatives from Kii Province had gathered there to pay her a visit.

Three of us, myself, my niece’s husband, Dr. Shuikou Banji together with the doctor stood around the bed of the patient.

Dr. Shuikou said to me, ‘She is departing soon. Do speak the Dharma for her.’

So, I repeated the verses of praise by Great Master Honen Shonin two times to pass on to her the wonderful dharma of liberation from the suffering seas of birth and death.

After that the patient immediately put her palms together, facing the west and recited Namo Amitabha Buddha a few times before passing away.

The verses are as follows:

The body resembles the dews which dispersed everywhere. The Mind resembles the flower petals which are joined to the calyx.

-By Great Master Honen Shonin

The wooden door is surrounded by the white cloud day and night. When will they become the purple lights? -By Great Master Honen Shonin

Whenever I see the blooming of the flowers, I wish so much to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss earlier. Great Master Rennyo

A translation by Dharma Master Fo Ke from the Book: Sayings from the Mother Buddha Vihara

为念法语 当下往生










Author: oridharma

Charitable | Dharma Protector | Compassion

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