When a Drop of Water returns to the Ocean

The Name Namo Amitabha Buddha carries the meanings to surpass the bondage of time and space. From the angle of immeasurable lifespan, it far-surpasses the bondage of time. From the angle of immeasurable lights, it far-surpasses the bondage of space. The speed of lights is the fastest in this worldly realm. But in the Buddha Dharma, there is no speed as everything is immeasurably large. As I have just spoken, the inexhaustible greatness. Immeasurable lights mean at any time, any place, it exists as light at that place. So, when the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas rescue living beings, it does not mean that they run here from the World of Ultimate Bliss. They are here at this instant as they are the immeasurable lights. We feel the distance when we say far-away places. But the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do not harbour the concept of far or near. So, this is known as ‘immeasurable brightness.’

‘Namo’ is taking refuge. It means we give up our body and mind, our lifespan and everything to Amitabha Buddha, the Greatly Enlightened one who dwells ultimately in the state of freedom and great ease, which far-surpasses the bondage of time and space. We take refuge in the Buddha’s rescue and we will arrive at the limitless, immeasurable state with no obstacles. When we take refuge in Amitabha Buddha, we will obtain the lifespan of Amitabha Buddha, living the life of Amitabha Buddha, leading a life of immeasurable lights and lifespan. This resembles a drop of water which enters the great ocean will obtain the expansiveness of the ocean, the immeasurable profundity of the ocean. By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong




A comment by oridharma: If we do not recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, we are controlled by time and space because of our ignorant mind of attachment. So, the recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha is the great kindness and great compassion of Amitabha Buddha as he has accomplished the full merits and virtues to liberate us from the triple realm, relying on the Karmic strength of his magnificent vows. Most grateful to Namo Amitabha Buddha

如果我们不称念南无阿弥陀佛, 就被时空所限制, 因为我们的无明与执着。所以称念南无阿弥陀佛是因为佛的大慈大悲, 他把所有圆满成就的功德,佛的大愿业力来救度我们出三界。感恩南无阿弥陀佛

Author: oridharma

Charitable | Dharma Protector | Compassion

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