With the Buddha, everything is beautiful


The genuine beauty belongs to all man. No one has the rights to make them his own. The sun shines on all man. The air is for all to breathe. The road is meant for all man to walk on.

In spring the sprouts are tender yellow. In summer, the leaves are dark green in colour. In autumn, the leaves turn red with patches. Yet they are so beautiful. When a man is old his face is covered with freckles. He is no more beautiful. In fact, man is incomparable to leaves. If we can be like the leaves, we will be beautiful throughout our life. With the Buddha in our mind, we are always mindful of the Buddha. Why should we admire the youths? With the Buddha, everything is beautiful. Without the Buddha, nothing is beautiful. There is no connection with age.






A comment by oridharma: With the Buddha, the mind is calm and settled. The beauty is ultimate. Without the Buddha, we might be young, we might go for facelift, or remove the freckles, but with an unsettle heart, the beauty is pretentious. Most grateful to Namo Amitabha Buddha

有佛,心是安定的,这种美是究竟的。 心中没有佛,我们可能还年轻,可能拉皮,可能去斑,但是心不安,这是假装的美。感恩南无阿弥陀佛


Staying low in life

When we lead a life of yielding, this is a mature way of life. Just like the ripe grains, they will bow low. As long as we still try to prove our point, this is being childish. As we cannot admit our failure sincerely, we are immature. If we are grateful both in adversities and good times, abiding by the causes and conditions, only then can this be known as honesty.

A mundane man tries to find evidence to support himself, this is creating the karma, this is making a fool of himself. Other than proving we are the sinful and evil mundane men of births and deaths no other evidence is required. Throughout the long kalpas, we have been in disgrace, making a fool of ourselves. In this life, let us not commit that again.

  • 低頭人生






A comment by oridharma: Keeping a low profile, keeping our head down, this is the honest Amitabha reciter. Do not try to promote yourself, your cultivation. We are not the cultivators. We rely totally on the strength of the Buddha’s kindness. Most grateful to Namo Amitabha Buddha



Author: oridharma

Charitable | Dharma Protector | Compassion

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