Amitabha Buddha hit him hard on His Chest

The Buddha image flew out from the book to cure his illness

书中佛像  飘出治病

Fan Ren Rong is staying at the river village, the border of old and new district in Qian Jiang Town. At the age of fifteen, he would go to catch the eels after school. One day, he was frightened by a colourful eel and fell ill immediately. When he reached home, he went to take a bath and said that his body was covered with leeches. He washed again and again. After that he often became insane. Sometimes he would wake up as normal but other times he would fall into confusion.

At the age of twenty-five he was insane again and ran away from home. He was knocked down by a car and the bones of his two legs were fractured. Until now, the fixtures are still in his legs. He fell sick easily. Though he could walk he was strengthless. As such he could not go to work.  For twenty years, his mother looked for doctors to treat him, set up altar to offer prayers by the spiritual doctor for the transcendence of his creditors and foes. But he remained the same. Both the mother and son lived in extreme poverty.

Last summer, he was sick again. His sister Fan Lian Yi asked me what to do. I told her, ‘Ask him to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. If he can read, ask him to study the Buddha Dharma.’ Then I gave him a Sutra of Immeasurable Lifespan by Tripiṭaka Master Saṃghavarman, published by the Mountain of the Original Vows.

On receiving the Sutra, he opened and saw the Buddha Amitabha. He was very glad. After he had finished reading, he placed it on the table and recited Namo Amitabha Buddha. He continued to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha and then he saw the Buddha Amitabha rose up from the Sutra, flying towards him, hitting hard on his chest, setting his whole body into vibration. He felt very comfortable, that his head and legs are light and empty. He was clear in mind and felt much better. From then onwards, he could go to work, even carrying heavy loads, ploughing the fields and doing the miscellaneous jobs.

Last year, on the first of December, I met with Fan Ren Rong and he told me that he had smelled unique fragrance three times when he was reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha. This fragrance could not be found in this world. The fragrance permeated the air for twenty to thirty minutes. Besides, he said that every time he lighted the incense he was able to see the three Sages of the Western Land. Last time, when he was sick, he could feel that his eyes were rolling upwards. When they reached the head, the head would become numb. When the head became numb, he would lose control of himself. After he has started to learn the Buddha Dharma, he has undergone such a state once. When he felt that his eyes were rolling up, he would quickly sit down to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. Once he started to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, the situation would return to normal. From then onwards, he recovered fully from his illness. He said, ‘Now, it is very good. Whatever yin living beings of the negative energy can no longer come near to me. Namo Amitabha Buddha…..’ (recorded by upasaka Jing Yao, 15th, February, 2001)

A comment by oridharma:

Animosity is created because we have killed and harmed living beings. Without the rescue of Amitabha Buddha, there is simply no way to cure the illness of karmic hindrances. So, Amitabha Buddha is also known as the Greatest Doctor who is able to cure all diseases. Most grateful to Namo Amitabha Buddha 杀害生命,结了冤仇,如果没有阿弥陀佛的救度,这业障病根本没法治好。故阿弥陀佛也被称为大医王,万病总医治。感恩南无阿弥陀佛











他说:「这下子可好了,什 麽阴性众生都不能上我身了。南无阿弥陀佛……。」(二○○一年二月十五日    净耀居士记)

Namo Amitabha Buddha, Do have Mercy on Me!

Here is a story of ‘Amitabha Buddha, do have mercy on me!’

There is this old Upasika who is very pious. She would like to attain a rebirth in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss but she did not know how to attain a rebirth. 

Someone told her that if she wanted to attain a rebirth in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss, she must read and recite the Great Vehicle Sutras. She began to study the Great Vehicle Sutras.

This pitiful old lady is illiterate. So, she bought a dictionary specially in order to learn the words. She asked her daughter to read for her the Sutra word by word so that she can recite the Sutra. Her daughter felt so strange and asked, ‘Mother, you are so old. On top of that you can’t even recognize the words. Do you want to take examinations to enter the Buddhist University? If not, why should you learn it word by word?’

She answered, ‘Oh, you cannot understand. Anyway, I won’t tell you.’ She was thus thinking, ‘I want to attain a rebirth. I must read this Sutra in order to attain a rebirth!’

After learning the Sutra, she heard people said, ‘You cannot attain a rebirth with your little good roots. How can you recite the Sutra only? You must be able to recite the Mantra. If you cannot recite the Mantra, you cannot attain a rebirth!’ She was very worried and said, ‘Goodness, the Mantra is so long. What is more I do not even know the meanings? I am already so old. It is very difficult for me to memorise them. When people are reciting the Great Compassionate Mantra, I simply cannot follow.’

But then she had to force herself to learn the Mantra also. Finally, she managed to learn a short Mantra. Then she again listened to all kinds of suggestions to learn this and that. Every day, she was so busy and so worried, ‘What can I do? What am I supposed to do?’ She was greatly afflicted.

When she was worried, Amitabha was worried for her too. She said, ‘What to do? What to do?’ Amitabha Buddha knocked on the door of her heart and told her, ‘I will do it, I will do it!’ But at that time, she did not hear it. Amitabha Buddha has said, ‘If they cannot attain a rebirth, I will not certify to Proper Enlightenment.’ Amitabha Buddha said, ‘I will do it, I will do it!’ She did not hear this!

That day, she heard me saying this, she was so glad. She stood up immediately and bowed to the Buddha at the Western direction three times.

She said, ‘Amitabha Buddha, do have mercy on me. You have pardon me!’

What does she mean? ‘You see, now, I do not have to check the dictionary to memorise the Sutra. I do not have to frown, to furrow my brows. It is unnecessary for me the old woman to get so tired. What is more I am illiterate! Now the Buddha has mercy on me! I will just recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. I am so happy now. No more tension!’

I said, ‘Amitabha Buddha has never bound you up, why do you say have mercy on me?’

It is we who have created all these frightful issues and conditions. Amitabha Buddha has never set such conditions, neither does he need to forgive anyone, or not forgiving them. Please do not misunderstand the magnificent Vows of Amitabha Buddha. I feel this this example is very convincing. Though, her words are down to earth, they are truly honest.

What does she mean? ‘Amitabha Buddha, you have liberated me. Now, I am totally calm at ease. I can recite Namo Amitabha Buddha exclusively to attain a rebirth in the Pure Land. It is unnecessary for me to work so hard and yet I was not certain of my rebirth!’

Amitabha Buddha calls out at us and says, ‘All of you who are transmigrating on the various destinies, please come to my Land swiftly to enjoy the Bliss.’ All of you living beings who are transmigrating on the six paths, come back quickly! Come quickly to attain a rebirth in my Pure Land, to enjoy the Dharma Bliss. Do not go on transmigrating in the Saha world, to be beaten by the thieves of afflictions until your whole face is bruised, swollen in black and blue.

In the Sutra of 16 Contemplation, the Buddha took pity on us and said, ‘After the Buddha has entered Still extinction, living beings of the five turbidities are harmed by the thieves of afflictions. I will speak for them the Pure Karma so that they can recite the Name of Namo Amitabha Buddha to attain a rebirth in the Pure Land.’

The Buddha treats us as his only son. He describes afflictions as the thieves. These thieves come to destroy our blessings. The Buddha bestows upon us his protection and says, ‘My only child, you are so afflicted because of these thieves. I am here to save you! You should quickly return to your home land of Ultimate Bliss!’ – As it is said, ‘Please come to my Land swiftly to enjoy the Bliss.’









A celestial pill which cures all diseases

A celestial pill which cures all diseases.

仙丹一粒  总治百病

Last year, my daughter gave birth to a child. I went to take care of her. As I was overworked, I became very ill. In October, my son brought me to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that I had kidney stones, gastric hydrops, gastroptosis, heart disease and so on and so forth. I could not remember them all.

I do not have that much money to treat these diseases. So, I decided to pray to Amitabha Buddha every day in the morning and evening. I would offer incense to the Buddha for these two sessions. Three months passed by. One night at about eight or nine o’clock, I was half awake and saw two bodhisattvas were sitting before me. Each of them carried a big red flower. One of them threw a pill at me, about the size of the middle finger. It is half yellow and half red in colour. I knew that I would be cured. Later my son suggested to bring me to the hospital for a check-up. I told him it was unnecessary. In this way, all my sicknesses are gone. Before this, I often faced the problem of bloating. Now, that problem is solved too. I feel very fine now. I am 68 now. When I walk, even my daughter-in-law cannot catch up with me.

As I have personally tasted the benefits of Amitabha recitation, today I come specially to take refuge in the Master, to become a Buddhist.

(Related by Tao Xiang Ying from Ma An Shan on the 20th of December,2001, recorded by Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong)



因为我亲尝了念佛的好处,今天特别来拜师入佛门。(二○○一年十二月二十日   马鞍山   陶向英口述   释净宗记)

You see, Amitabha Buddha is here. I am leaving!

I can still hear his voice but he has already attained a rebirth


For three generations my family are vegetarians. I have been a vegetarian since I was young. I learn the Buddha Dharma and I also uphold the Bodhisattva precepts. But my brother Hu Xue Hui does not have faith in the Buddha. He is a heavy smoker, a drunken person, with many bad habits. It is impossible to change him. I do not even dare to advise him to take refuge in the Triple Gem, what is more to ask him to uphold the precepts, to practise the Dharma. I was very worried for him.

In the year 2002, my brother was already seventy years old. Because of his bad habits, he was infected with the last stage of lung cancer. I thought maybe it was the right time to exhort him to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. I dared not tell him about a change in his habitual way of life. Anyway, he did listen to me and recited Namo Amitabha Buddha at home sincerely. At times he would also visit the temple to pray to the Buddha.

In the year 2004, the 4th day of the 10th Lunar month, my brother phoned me up, asking me to go over. When I arrived, my brother looked fine. We recited Namo Amitabha Buddha together. I felt very strange because my brother was quite excited that day. We continued to sit on the bed to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. At midnight, my brother said, ‘Amitabha Buddha is coming to bring me back.’

He sounded so relax. I simply could not believe in his words. This is because I know him thoroughly. He has so many bad habits. He did not even take refuge in the Buddha basically. He did not abide by the five precepts. He did recite Namo Amitabha Buddha but he did not even know about the transference of merits. So, will Amitabha Buddha come to welcome him in such a condition? I am not a good practitioner either. But I am still very much better than him. But I have not heard from Amitabha Buddha and I do not know when he will come to welcome me! So, when I heard that he was leaving with Amitabha Buddha, I could not believe it at all.

I was thus thinking but I still insisted to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha with him until early in the morning, that is the fifth day of the tenth Lunar month. My brother said, ‘You see, Amitabha Buddha is here. I am leaving.’

Urgently I asked, ‘Where is He?’  As I was sitting opposite to him while reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha, he pointed at my back and said, ‘He is there’ I quickly turned my head to take a close look but I did not see anything. I used my hand to pull at him and asked, ‘Where is Amitabha Buddha? Where is Amitabha Buddha?’ I asked him twice continually but I could not move him. There is no answer either. Suddenly I turned back and looked at him. I was really shocked. My brother was right. Amitabha Buddha had already come and brought him along.

The time taken from the instance I turned my head and looked back was only a few seconds. But my brother had already attained a rebirth, still sitting there. At that instant, I was so joyful yet my heart was very sad. My face was wet with tears.

My sister-in-law was upstairs and she heard our voice. She descended from the staircase and asked, ‘What are you two talking about? Your loud voice had woken me up.’ I told her, ‘Amitabha Buddha has already brought my brother home’

She said tearfully, ‘But wasn’t he still talking just now?’

‘Yes, you are right. Amitabha Buddha is truly kind and compassionate. Please do not cry. Let us recite Namo Amitabha Buddha to send him to Pure Land.’

So, in this way, our whole family recited Namo Amitabha Buddha. After eight hours, we cleaned up his body and changed clothes for him. Brother’s body was very soft and he looked so nice. After three days, many people came to the funeral to have a look at him. They said that they had never seen such a handsome death man. Among the relatives, a few of them are touched by his death and they have started to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Reflecting on this incidence, my brother should have known that he was going to attain a rebirth when he phoned me up. But he did not say anything. Maybe he knew that I would not believe in him. At mid-night, the fourth day, he said Amitabha Buddha was coming to bring him home. Maybe this is a signal for me. At that time, if I were to ask him, maybe he would tell me more. The problem is that I do not believe in him. That is why I did not bother to ask anything. Finally, when he said that the Buddha was there and it took only a few seconds for him to leave. I simply had no chance to ask any question. I am very regretful thinking about this. If I could believe in him earlier, and asked him what he had seen, asked for his opinions, it would be the best.

Anyway, my brother had left, in the most carefree way. He is the best example in the practice of Amitabha recitation to attain a rebirth. Truly speaking, he only knows the recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha. Other than this recitation he knows nothing.

My brother’s attainment of rebirth has truly shaken me up. I have learnt a lot from him. In fact, I often look down on him as he can only recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. Unlike me, he did not uphold the precepts, did not take vegetarian diet, did not take refuge. He knows nothing about Sutras, mantras or cultivation. I was thus thinking, thousands of people can attain a rebirth, millions of people can attain a rebirth but I did not think he can attain a rebirth. But his attainment of a rebirth was because of his exclusive recitation of Amitabha Buddha. And he had left in such a wonderful way. All the time I was thinking I was much better than him. Only now I realize that he was very much better than me by so many times.

He had set a good example that the attainment of a rebirth does not rely on one’s personal effort. It relies totally on the strength of Amitabha Buddha’s Vows. When we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha will surely rescue every one of us to his World of Ultimate Bliss, in the Western direction, without leaving anyone out. As people have said, the strength of a good example is inexhaustible. The attainment of rebirth by my brother had truly release me from all my doubts and worries. My faith was greatly enhanced. From now onwards, I will learn from my brother and let go of my egoistic self -effort. I will recite Namo Amitabha Buddha exclusively until my last breath. Namo Amitabha Buddha!

(Related by Hu Xue Bin from Xiantao at Hubei Province. Compiled by Fo Ding 25th February, 2008)

Having faith in the rescue of Amitabha Buddha

Reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha exclusively.

Vowing to attain a rebirth in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha.

Crossing over all the living beings in the ten directions pervasively.




















(湖北仙桃胡學斌口述    佛定整理 2008225日)

信受彌陀救度    專稱彌陀佛名

願生彌陀淨土    廣度十方眾生

My father was so Youthful after Passing away!

The sun arose in seven colours, with the sky full of lotuses


My father is Upasaka Li Jian Gang. He stayed in Ping Dong, at Dong Gang town.  My father is very jovial, righteous and kind-hearted. While working as a government officer, he had acquired the knowledge on taxation swiftly. Later, he made use of this knowledge to help the public. As such he is quite famous in town, creating good affinities with the public.

At the age of seventeen, father entered the air force communication and machinery school and became a soldier. After the second world war, he lived through the warfare of communism and followed the troop to Taiwan. Thus he was separated from his family in China for more than ten years. In a generation of sufferings for more than ten years, my father stayed alone in Taiwan in very difficult conditions. As it is hopeless to find a way home, he decided to stay put in Taiwan. Besides, he also became an officer after his retirement from the air force. He works for the people at the local taxation office. Later he got married with my mother and a family was established.

In the second half of the year 2007 my father was sent to 802 hospital the second time as he was unwell. But the doctor could not find the causes of his illness. Mother was very worried and every day, she would seek the help of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva at the Buddha Hall in the Hospital, hoping father would be fine soon. But as time goes on, his illness deteriorated.  One day, I went to visit him at the hospital after work. Mother was crying on seeing me, saying that father might not be able to cross this difficult juncture. I was feeling sad too, reflecting on the happy hours with my dad. Now, thinking about this, I am still very sad. But I knew I had to be strong. I consoled my mother and I was thinking how to seek help from the Buddha Dharma.

While I was seeking help from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I heard about a Dharma Master who was conducting life releasing in Qijin in Gaoxiong. At that time, small statues of Earth Store Bodhisattvas were made to create good affinity with the public. So, I followed what I knew in the Dharma Door of rescue of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and sought my mother to donate the twenty thousand dollars which belongs to my father. Half of the money was used to create the small statues of Earth Store Bodhisattva while another half is used in life liberation, on behalf of my father.

The next day, I followed Shifu and the other Buddhists to the sea-side to release live forms. On the lorry, the big box of fish is   labelled with three pieces of red paper, with my father’s Name written on the middle sheet, showing that he was the merits receiver of life liberation. But I have no time to tell my parents. That evening, I went to visit my dad. When I opened the door, I heard my father was talking to mother, saying that he saw a big piece of red paper in the air, with his name written on it.

That night, mother had a dream. She was getting ready to take a plane with father. The airport was a wide field of green grass, with flowing rivers and forests all around it. There was this plane on the grass field. When they were getting ready to go up the plane, father suddenly said that he was to defecate. So, my mother helped him to a hidden place to pass it out. At that time, a lady carried a luggage went up the plane, followed by other men and women, and also some elders. The plane departed and mother woke up. Reflecting on the dream, she felt strongly that father would be healthy soon. It was truly inconceivable as my dad was miraculously cured day by day and returned home.

Later, I am most fortunate to have the opportunity to read the instructional talks by the Elder Master Guang Qin. The deepest impression I have about his teaching is the recitation of ‘Namo Amitabha Buddha’ is known ‘reciting all’. It means that the Buddha’s Name encompasses all the Merits and Virtues of all the Buddhas in the ten directions, all the merits and virtues of all Bodhisattvas, all the merits and virtues of the Great Cannon Store of Sutras and Mantras. All the merits and virtues are inclusive in this recitation: Namo Amitabha Buddha. After I have understood the meaning I was truly joyful. From then onwards, I asked my mother to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha exclusively and transfer the merits to my dad.

From the year 2011 onwards, mother also advised father to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha with her before going to sleep. In this way my dear parents recited Namo Amitabha Buddha continually every night.

Before this, father would write the spring couplets and gave them to people as gifts to create good affinity. In the year 2011, he could even write the spring couplets and put them up by himself. But in November, the year 2018, father was already very weak. On the tenth of November, he was still reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha before going to sleep. But on the eleventh of November, he woke up at three in the morning. His body was twisting and moving without any reasons. Mother gave him a cup of water and he took a sip. After a while, father opened his eyes suddenly. With his very bright eyes, he was looking at the upper part of the empty space. Then he closed his eyes. After a while he opened his eyes again and with the shiny eyes, he was staring at the space above. Slowly, he closed his eyes and passed way, with his head slanting to one side.

Something inconceivable happened when my dad passed away. In just a few minutes, my mother observed that the face of my father was transformed into a youthful look, with shiny skin. The wrinkles were gone. His hair was nicely combed and he looked so adorned and calm. The transformation was so great. It was truly miraculous, inconceivable. We have never heard of that before. Later, after a few days, his white eyebrows were changed into dark black in colour, with two ear-lobes growing out at his two ears.

Later, I sent my father to the funeral parlour at Ping Dong. As I was practising the Secret Sect, I looked out for the Secret sect brother to help me. But as he was in seclusion, he could not come. So, I went up the internet to look for a way place which provide aided recitation. When the causes and conditions are ripe, I was so lucky to contact the Pure Land Sect, the Shandao Monastery. The Dharma Master immediately sent the lotus friends and arranged for aided recitation.

Dharma Master told my father about the unconditional rescue of Amitabha Buddha and my family was very touched. I was thus thinking, ‘This is truly what I want. This Dharma Door enables my father to accomplish a perfect life.’ So, I respectfully sought the help of the Dharma Master from the Shandao Monastery to arrange and conduct the funeral rites. On the day of saying good bye to my father, it started drizzling at four in the morning, just like the sprinkling of sweet dew dharma water. At about six in the morning, the sun arose. On our way to the funeral parlour, my sister and I saw the whole sky was filled up with golden cloud which resembles the lotuses. We were very happy to witness this.

After the cremation, I carried my father’s remains to be kept in memory in Fo Guang Shan. Looking out from the car’s window, the golden sun was surrounded by beautiful circular lights of seven colours. By the sides of the sun are two red lotuses, one looks bigger while the other is smaller. I told my mother about this and she said that the small lotus might belong to the two -month -old baby who was lost in a miscarriage when mother was young. The bigger lotus should belong to my father. Amitabha Buddha had come to bring father and the small baby home to the World of Ultimate Bliss.

The supreme manifestation in my father’s attainment of rebirth greatly enhanced our faith in Amitabha recitation. Besides, we also listen to the Dharma teaching by the Dharma Masters who give their instructions in accord with the teaching of Great Master Shandao. After reflecting on the teaching, I understand that Amitabha Buddha will never renounce any living beings. He will surely rescue them.

On witnessing the revelation of my father at his death bed, I truly understand that the Pure Land Dharma Door is most suitable with the root potential of living beings at this Dharma Ending Age. Besides the Strength of Amitabha Buddha’s Great Vows are genuine, not fake. By relying on His strength, we will immediately receive the ultimate rescue of Amitabha Buddha. That is why in 2019, during the Vesak day, there was a refuge ceremony at the Shandao Monastery. My mother and I had taken refuge in Dharma Master Shi Hui Jing.

Having experienced the inconceivability of Amitabha recitation, we have extended the Dharma assembly of crossing over the deceased from forty -nine days to a hundred days. At Shandao Monastery. The memorial tablet of my father was placed in Shandao Monastery for the whole year. I would drive my mother from Dong Gant to Shandao Monastery to attend the group practice in Amitabha Buddha recitation at least once a month.

After I have learnt about Amitabha Buddha’s Dharma Door of Rescue and have understood the teachings of Great Master Shandao, there is a positive change in my life. My life is meaningful and I can feel the joy in my practice. I am most grateful to Amitabha Buddha.

Upasaka Pu Jing-8th November 2022



















The many Sariras of a Mundane Woman

The many Sarira of a mundane woman

平庸凡夫,出多舍利 】文:淨宗法師

Dharma Master Long Dao will carry a delicate small box wherever he goes as this is his favourite souvenirs.

Besides, it is the evidence for him to teach and transform living beings.

He says, ‘Any man can recite Namo Amitabha Buddha to seek a rebirth, without considering his sinful karma, his cultivation. All will attain a rebirth.’

On listening to this, those who practise the Pure Land Dharma Door will harbour suspicion. 

They ask, ‘Could it be that simple?’

While those who have no faith in the attainment of a rebirth, who do not believe in transmigration after death will ask,

‘As you have said, the recitation of Amitabha Buddha enables us to attain a rebirth. Is there any evidence?’

At that time Dharma Master Long Dao will take out his precious box and says, ‘Fine, I will let you see this by yourself.’

Carefully he unwrapped the many layers of cloth which is used to keep the bone ashes.

Most people, especially those who have not learnt Buddha Dharma will be frightened.

They despise the bones and ashes of death men. They feel that is inauspicious. It is better to stay far away from it.

But on seeing the pieces of bone of Dharma Master Long Dao, everyone will contend to take a look. These bones are too beautiful, with many colours. They emit a light of auspiciousness and serenity.

Some even want to hold them in their hand instead of watching them in the box.

With the permission of the Dharma Master, they will put one by one into their palms to admire in details.

Some are pinkish in colour while others are yellow. Some shine like the silver while some look like the black and transparent lapis lazuli. Some are as white as the Pure Jade. Besides there are all kinds of Sarira flowers, solid sariras and others. People are greatly surprise on seeing these sariras.

They thought these sariras must be the relics of a virtuous Great Master who had cultivated for a long time.

Some are surprised of the miracle of the life forms and they understand the inconceivability of Amitabha Recitation.

These relics belong to Dharma Master Long Dao’s mother.

She is Zhang Shu Qin from Chengdu. She was born on the seventh day of the 4th lunar month in 1931. She took refuge in the Triple Gem in 1990 and she would observe Vegetarian diet on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

At the beginning, she had learnt to recite the Mantra of Great Compassion. Later she fell sick and forgot about the recitation. Instead, she would just recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. From 1980 onwards, she was down with asthmatic bronchitis and had to take medicine daily, hospitalized yearly, staying there for half a month or one month, spending about ten thousand dollars.

After 1990, her illness develops into pulmonary emphysema, cor pulmonale. In 1996, her brains deteriorated into brain atrophy, she had the symptoms of Dementia(senility). She was tortured by the illnesses and she felt that she was a burden to the family. She even considered to commit suicide many times.

Whenever Dharma Master Long Dao went to visit her, he would be very concerned and asked, ‘Dear mother, did you recite Namo Amitabha Buddha?’

She would answer, ‘What Buddha to recite! I will be death soon.’

Clearly, she was weak in spirit.

Long Dao Dharma Master said, ‘Yes, mother. As we are going to die, we call on Namo Amitabha Buddha!’

Every time he would remind her, ‘As long as we recite Namo Amitabha Buddha we are sure to attain a rebirth!’

This is how the Master has consoled and exhorted his mother.

In 1998, the 16th of November, Dharma Master Long Dao again went to see his mother.

He saw that she was sitting with the family, chit-chatting with them while they were playing mahjong.

Dharma Master Long Dao spoke kindly to his mother, ‘Dear mother, why are you wasting your time to watch people playing mahjong? Mother should recite the Buddha’s Name! As long as mother desires to attain a rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss, you will surely attain a rebirth. As long as mother is reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha, we will not be separated in future.’

After saying this, he led his mother to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha around the small tea-table, for about ten minutes. His mother felt tired and so they sat down to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. Though Dharma Master was very eager that his mother would recite more times, but because of her illnesses, and a weak mind, she would just recite a few times and fall asleep.

Three days before passing away, she took down her ear-rings and gave them to the home nanny. She said, ‘Thank you for taking care of me for these ten months. This is a souvenir for you.’

On the first of December, 1998, mother passed away peacefully. Her face was pinkish, just as though she was still living. All the relatives and neighbours were very surprised to see this. The lotus friends heard about her death came to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha for three days. After the cremation her skull was transformed into a pink lotus. Besides, there are many colourful Sarira flowers.

Dharma Master Long Dao said, ‘Talking about my mother, she is considered as having no cultivation!  She was this old lady who was very ill, who desired to be born in the Pure Land. She would recite if she had a little strength. Anyway, she was not very diligent. She was not very eager to attain a rebirth either. But finally, she managed to pass away peacefully, showing us such inconceivable manifestation. This happens all because of the strength of Amitabha Buddha who wishes to rescue all living beings, with Great Compassion. Namo Amitabha Buddha.’

Related by Dharma Master Shi Long Dao and written by Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong-28th of June, 2001

平庸凡夫,出多舍利 】文:淨宗法師




















隆道法師口述 淨宗法師筆錄整理 00一年六月二十八日

Teaching the Rescue of Amitabha to her Dying Son


Amitabha Buddha rescued the evil man of the Hell. He attained a rebirth before passing away!

Once I went to visit Yoshizawa the Zheng family in Osaka.

At that time, Yoshizawa immediately told his classmates Okamoto Masujiro about my visit. Okmoto brought an old lady by the surname Wangang to the house of Yoshizawa.

I was teaching the Dharma for about half an hour when the old lady suddenly talked to herself. ‘I see. I am indeed the one who is gathered in by Amitabha Buddha.’  

So, I stopped my Dharma teaching and listened to the story of this old lady for two and a half hours.

The old lady said, ‘because of my husband’s savage treatment, for so many years, I have to tolerate the suffering of pain in my chest. Recently, my son who is about twenty years old has passed away too. This son had made friends with the bad people and he was greatly detested by the villagers. Later, he was down with heart attack and his illness became so acute day by day. It was truly an intolerable sight before he passed away. He suffered such great pain! So, he took the knife for cutting vegetables and said, ‘Please help me, cut my throat please!’ This pain went on for another one hour and it was acutely intolerable!

I said to him, ‘My son! Now the pain which is worse than this by hundreds of million times will come upon you soon! The sufferings in the hell are indescribable using the words of this human realm.’

On hearing my words, my son who was in great sufferings started to cry, ‘Mother! Please tell me the way to save myself in future!’ I heard his words, and I wished so much to tell him. But I tried my best to ignore his pledge! So, he begged and cried for nearly one hour, seeking me to tell him what he could do.

I was thus thinking, he should be quite near to his death. So, I said, ‘Amitabha Buddha opens up his big hands because he wants to rescue people who are about to fall into the hell, so that they will be born swiftly into his World of Ultimate Bliss.’

In his teary eyes, I could see the joy in him. He started to call on Namo Amitabha Buddha continually while I recited the Gatha of Pure Faith respectfully. Later, I heard the doctor said that he might pass away at night, about ten pm. But my son did not pass away. Instead, he seemed to sleep so soundly.

The next day at about two in the afternoon, he opened his eyes and he was still reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha. He called everyone to his bed and said, ‘Everyone should love to listen to the Buddha Dharma.’ Besides, he also made many arrangements in the worldly affairs. He looked so different. This is not the way he conducted himself all these whiles. I was thinking his time was near. So, I went before Namo Amitabha Buddha’s image to recite the Gathas on Pure Faith with respect. My son also listened to my recitation.

When I had recited ‘May these merits and virtues

Be bestowed upon all living beings equally.

Together may we bring forth the Bodhi Mind, ‘

and my son passed away.

So, instead of reciting ‘to attain a rebirth in the Land of Serenity Bliss’ 

I recited, ‘I have just sent a Bodhisattva to Pure Land’.

After that I cried sadly. In fact, I did not recover after some time to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.

The old lady had told us this very sad story to release the sadness in her heart. I was thus thinking, ‘This old lady passed on the wonderful Dharma to hers son who was in pain by delaying to tell him ‘the Way of rescue for my future’ for about one hour intentionally. If this is not the case, the Dharma might not be passed on smoothly.

This is the meaning of putting high values on the Dharma.

This is the meaning to teaching in accord with the potential. I am greatly touched!

A translation by Dharma Master Fo Ke from the Book: Sayings from the Mother Buddha



我曾经去拜访 的吉泽政氏,当时吉泽氏将我的到访立刻告诉了冈本增次郎同修。冈本氏带了一位姓网干的老妇女一起来到吉泽氏的家里。我讲了大概三十分的话後,那位老妇女开口喃喃自语起来,「原来早就是光中摄取的人了」。因此我就停止讲法,两个半小时之间倾听这位老妇女的故事。








The Virtuous Lady Xu who Attained a Rebirth

Biographies of good women who had attained a rebirth -The Virtuous Lady Xu

The Virtuous Lady Xu is from Taicang.

Her surname is Qian.

At the age of twenty she got married to XuZhao, a junior scholar. After six years, her husband passed away. At the age of fifty – two, (During the 37th year of Qian Long) the local authority had made a report of her preservation of chastity to the Imperial administration. Thus, she was awarded a great honour from the Imperial court.

She had faith in Amitabha Buddha ever since she was a child. One day, her mother fell ill. She vowed before the Buddha that she would recite Namo Amitabha Buddha one thousand times daily. After some time, her mother recovered from her illness.

After the passing away of her husband, she became more pious in her Amitabha recitation. Besides, she often donated to relieve the poor and sick. She also released life forms very often. She recited the Vajra Sutra daily as she desired so much to attain a rebirth in the Western Land.

When she got older she decided to become a full time vegetarian. For six years, she ate only vegetables, not eating any meat at all.

.Half a month before her attainment of a rebirth, she had a dream of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva who came forth to welcome her.

On the day of her rebirth, she told her maid to light the incense. She put her palms together to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. She passed away while sitting in the lotus posture. It was the fourth of the second lunar month, the 57th year of Qian Long. She was seventy-two then. (The Compilation of Dwelling in One Conduct)

Biographies of Good Woman who has attained a rebirth- The Virtuous Lady Xu






Amitabha Buddha is taking good care of my child

I am Fo Rong from Hubei.

I have taken refuge in the Buddha.

This year, my daughter is nine years old.

I have separated from my husband and now my child is staying with me.

Sometimes I have to leave her alone at home in the change of morning and night swift.

At times, my sister will help to take care of her. Some times she will be alone.

During the mid- autumn festival, I was on duty in the afternoon.

I told her to cook something to eat.

If she does not know how to cook, she can consult the aunt. (My sister stays not far away from my rented house.)

I told her I will be off after twelve thirty in the afternoon. She gladly accepted my explanation.

When I was on duty, she rode on her bicycle to pay me a visit.

I scolded her, ‘Today is a holiday! With such heavy traffic on the road, why are you riding everywhere? What to do if you are hit by a car?’

She sticked out her tongue and said apologetically, ‘Mother, sorry. I can take care of myself.’

She kissed me on the face, asking me to forgive her, to relax.

She could take care of herself. Then she rode on her small vehicle and left.

I was thus thinking, ‘She should learn to be independent too. She should learn to live in this society. What is more she also recites Namo Amitabha Buddha once in a while, in a playful manner. Amitabha Buddha will surely take care of her.

I went on with my work after she had left.

After work, I phoned up my sister, asking if my daughter is with her. She said no.

I started to feel uneasy.

I also phoned up her close friends and the answer is no too.

At that moment, I was quite nervous. I rode on my motor-bike and started to look for her on the big and small streets.

I also went to her father’s place but nobody was in.

I dare not think anymore. I kept on calling on Namo Amitabha Buddha.

I was very anxious and I just kept on reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha.

I only hope that my child will be safe.

After travelling around the town for some time, the petrol ran out too.

I went to the petrol station to spent all the money in my pocket, to fill up the tank with six dollars of petrol.

And I continue with the search.

I was thinking, ‘Luckily I still got a little money. Otherwise, I will surely sit by the roadside and cry.’

I am very worried about her. 

When nothing happened, I often say I will let the Buddha take care of her.

But in this minor matter, it shows the real me that my heart is still hesitating on the Buddha’s rescue, just like a fox with its tail sticking out.

Finally, I returned to the road which she often travels and take a look again. At the juncture of a small lane, she was riding on her small bicycle, riding quite fast. My heart was softened on seeing her and I felt strengthless.

Silently, I followed behind her.

She crossed the road in a skilful manner, giving ways to cars and pedestrians.

She looked quite mature in this.

Suddenly, I felt that my worries were unnecessary.

I followed her until we arrive at our home.

I looked at her seriously, saying nothing.

She asked, ‘Mummy, why are you calling me back so urgently?’

I could not understand her words, I said, ‘Mother thought that you were lost. So, I looked for you up and down the road. I did not even know where you are. How can I be calling you? But I am calling Amitabha Buddha, looking for you everywhere, reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha.’

But firmly she answered me, ‘I was watching television at my classmate’s home. Then I heard you calling me. You keep on calling me so I took a look at the time. I taught you came to fetch me after your work. I ran down but I did not see you. I thought you were angry and left. So, I quickly rode home.’

After saying this she hugged me in my embrace, looking at me ignorantly. She was trying to pacify me, so that I would not be angry with her, that I would not scold her. Truly speaking, I was not angry at all. I was feeling very strange about this love,

the love that put my whole heart into bondage. I could not let go of her. Yet I am willing to take full responsibility to care for her.

I did not know why tears well-up in my eyes as I realised this must be Amitabha Buddha who helped me to take care of her. Even if I could not find her, she still came back to me safely.

I know no one can really understand this type of touching feelings. Namo Amitabha Buddha,,,Namo Amitabha Buddha…

I recite the Buddha’s Name in silence.

From my heart, I realize how I have not recited Namo Amitabha Buddha seriously.

I am most regretful. Even though I am so absent minded, Amitabha Buddha still takes good care of me, as he has great pity for me.

That is why I want to share this with all my friends.

Please recite Namo Amitabha Buddha with all your heart.

The kindness and compassion can be felt everywhere by the Amitabha reciters.

He moves their heart with such warmth, the blessed love and peace.

This is a special present I received in this holiday.

I hope that everyone should learn to rely totally on the rescue of Amitabha Buddha.

Give up everything, including yourself, your mind and all to Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Namo Amitabha Buddha






















Amitabha Buddha is holding my husband’s hand!

I am Wang Yue Yun and my Dharma name is Qin Jing. I am from Taoyuan Yangmei and I was born in the southern part of Taiwan at Guan Miao. In the year 2017, because of the causes and conditions of my daughter’s illness and her expedient way to lead me to the Dharma Door of Amitabha recitation, I am able to learn Great Master Shandao’s Pure Land teachings.

In the year 2019, the 14th of April, my husband Zhang Fu Yan was seriously ill. With kindness and care, the Pure Land Sect Dharma Master came by himself personally to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou to give instructional talk to my husband. After listening to the teachings of the Dharma Master, the next day, my husband let go of all his attachment and passed away peacefully. Because of this incident I can truly feel the inconceivable bestowment of the Triple Gem.

After my husband has passed away, the Dharma Masters from the Pure Land Sect, the lotus friends and the brothers and sisters from Tzu Chi more than a hundred came to join the aided recitation of Namo Amitabha Buddha. This is truly the most inconceivable and supreme causes and conditions. The Pure Land Sect helped to conduct all the funeral rites besides the prayers of Amitabha Buddha on the seventh day at the Taoyuan Amitabha Recitation Society (at the assembly of Crossing over the deceased). The funeral rites were adorned and perfectly conducted. Besides the teaching of the Dharma Master at the open praying ceremony had expediently crossed over all my relatives and friends.

Before the 49 days, I was worried about my husband, wondering whether he had already attained a rebirth in the Buddha Pure Land. So, I knelt before the image of Amitabha Buddha and said, ‘Amitabha Buddha, if my husband Zhang Fu Yan has already attained a rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss, please let me be able to see his condition. Then I will worry no more.’

On the ninth of August, 2019, two months after the forty-nine days. I was copying Sutras in my daughter’s office. I felt pain in my neck so I sat down on the easy chair and closed my eyes to relax. After lying down for less than thirty seconds, I saw with my eyes the very huge Amitabha Buddha image. He is the standing -coloured clouds Amitabha Buddha at the Pure Land Way Place. At the moment Amitabha Buddha lowered his hand, my husband rose up from the ground and stretched out his hands. Amitabha Buddha also extended his hands to pull him up. As Amitabha Buddha is so huge, my husband becomes so tiny.

After some time, I woke up one day at two am in the morning, thinking of my husband. I talked to myself, ‘Dearest, you are in the World of Ultimate Bliss. Can you describe for me the World of Ultimate Bliss?’ After that, I fell asleep for three hours. At about five am I had a dream. Firstly, I could see the whole earth is golden in colour and very beautiful. My husband looked like a youth about twelve or thirteen. He looked adorned and well dressed. He was playing fire work. He shook the firework continually and the bright fire sparks fell on the ground which was the same golden shine earth as I had seen before.

One day in March, 2021, a year after my husband had passed away. He appeared in my dream. I asked him, ‘Dear, where are you now?’ He answered, ‘in the Vihara.’ In the Sutra of Immeasurable Lifespan, it is thus stated, ‘The adorned lecture Hall, Vihara, palaces, bungalow and scenery are naturally transformed from the seven jewels.’ When I woke up, I had a better understanding of this Sutra passage. I am this mundane woman who is very attached to love and desire. And I am most thankful to the compassionate Vows of Amitabha Buddha, that my husband is now by the Buddha’s side. He is learning the wonderful Dharma at the adorned Vihara.

Before my husband passed away, my daughter had recited Namo Amitabha Buddha continually. She had arranged the memorial tablet for her father’s prayers of Amitabha Buddha in the internet Amitabha recitation Hall, relieving the poor, making offerings to the Sangha and others. My husband who did not have faith in Amitabha recitation, who even laughed at his daughter for reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha, started to recite 1080 times of Namo Amitabha Buddha at his bed for five months, continually. He only stopped the recitation a month before passing away because of acute illness.

My husband did not study the Buddha Dharma and he was not a vegetarian. But before passing away, he had encountered the Dharma Door of rescue of Amitabha Buddha. After passing away, he had the most supreme causes and conditions with many Dharma Masters and lotus friends from the Pure Land Sect who came to join the aided recitation, to give instructions. Finally, he was received by Amitabha Buddha to attain a rebirth in the World of Ultimate Bliss.

Before passing away, my daughter was holding his hands, sitting by his side to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, telling him to let go, to seek a rebirth in the Pure Land. At that time, he was already unconscious. His breathing was very weak. In the last two hours tears well up from his eyes twice. Later he passed away peacefully.

So, when a man is unconscious, his mind consciousness is still very clear as he can hear his family’s recitation of Amitabha Buddha and their exhortation for him to seek a rebirth. He may look as though he is unconscious at the death bed, he still can attain a rebirth.

As I have personally witnessed Amitabha Buddha who pulled my husband up, now I also join my daughter in Amitabha recitation in Tao Yuan, the Amitabha Recitation Society.

It is truly an inconceivable occasion for my daughter to encounter the Pure Land Sect with the right causes and conditions. She took part in the Refuge ceremony in BanQiao under the Venerable Master Shi Hui Jing in the year 2017. Later, she kept on persuading me to take refuge in the Pure Land Sect. in the year 2019, the 23rd of August, I also took refuge in the Triple Gem under Master Shi Hui Jing. My Dharma name is Qin Jing. This was the first time I had the chance to see Venerable Master Hui Jing and I could not control my tears from welling up in my eyes. My heart is filled with gratefulness. Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Related by Wan Yue Yun, recorded by Gong Jing


口述/王月云  记录/ 躬净








在先生往生前,由於女儿不断的念佛,并密集地为父亲於微信虚空念佛堂立牌位、布施、供僧等,於是向来不念佛的先生(甚至时而嘲讽女儿念佛),却於往生前半年左右,经由女儿的善巧引导,开始奇蹟般的每天於床上持佛珠念佛1080声,约莫五个月从 未一日间断,直至往生前一个月,方因病况加重而有间断。



可见,人在昏迷之时,意识仍然清晰,仍可听见家人为其念佛、开导的音声。由此可知. ,即使临终昏迷,仍可得生净土。


