Shovelling the soil and stones of Arrogance

Originally, the mind of a man is like the great earth which is full of wisdom water of the Buddha Nature.

But as his mind is filled up with the soil and stones of self-righteousness, the function of wisdom is hindered.

If he can use the shovel of humility to dig out the soil and stones of arrogance, the hollow well will appear. The Dharma water of wisdom from the Buddha Nature will fill it up, naturally. By Dharma Master Shi Jing Zong





佛性智慧法水自然注满其中。 ​ ​——净宗法师

A comment by oridharma:

‘ self righteousness’ refers to these situation:

‘Why are you doing that, tell me?’ ‘Is that your idea?’ ‘Why didn’t you ask my permission?’ Or you keep on finding excuses for yourself, trying to prove you are right, and so on and so forth. You just want to prove that you are not wrong! Without Amitabha recitation, we will never realize our arrogance! We are always pointing fingers at others! Most thankful to Namo Amitabha Buddha


‘是你的主意?为何没问过我?’ 或者你一直替自己解释,圆说等等,替自己找籍口,就是要证明自己没有错!。如果不是念佛,我们还不知道自己是这样的自大!错永远是他人!感恩南无阿弥陀佛。