Let Amitabha Buddha take care of Your Child!

Shen Yun is a little girl who is about ten years old.

She is a very fortunate child as she has started reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha since she was still a baby.

After giving birth to her, her mother would soothe her to sleep by reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha as a lullaby.

So, she also started reciting Amitabha Buddha as a cradle song.

but as she was too young she could only recite two syllables, A Bha, A Bha. 

As she grows up, she continues to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha while she is playing toys or watching television.

This is the way our young girl reciting Buddha’s Name.

It is impossible for her to sit still to call on the Buddha.

But do not be misled, saying that this way of Amitabha recitation is useless, is not effective.

Indeed, Amitabha Buddha is the kind and compassionate Buddha.

As long as you are willing to recite His Name, no matter how you recite it is effective!

Reciting Amitabha Buddha like Shen Yun is also effective.

At the age of three, she had a dream of Amitabha Buddha.

When she woke up, she told her mother, ‘Mummy, I dreamt of Amitabha Buddha just now. He brought me to play with all the bodhisattvas who were standing behind him.’

Amitabha Buddha asked her what toys she would like to have. He wanted to give her.

Little children are very innocent and she listed out all the toys she would like to have.

Amitabha Buddha did not despise her, instead he patted her head gently. 

She continued to say,

‘All the birds in the World of Ultimate Bliss are able to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha.’

She said that when they recited Namo Amitabha Buddha, lotuses will appear.

From then onwards she was more persistent in Amitabha recitation.

As usual, all children enjoy playing games.

After this dream, she has changed a bit and recited more often.

Talking until here, I would like to commend on some parents who feel that it is not good for their children to recite the Buddha’s Name at a young age.

They feel this is not good.

In fact, parents cannot stay by the side of their children the whole life.

Let’s not discuss the whole life.

When they reach the age of twenties or thirties, it would be more difficult to see them, to spend time with them.

Am I right?

The best way is to let Amitabha Buddha take care of them.

This is the best way to safe guard their life.

Why do I say this? 

Take a look at Shen Yun.

 At the age of eight, one day she was walking alone to cross a road.

Suddenly she was knocked down by a cargo lorry.

She fell on the road and rolled to the side of the road.

On listening to this, many of us would feel that she would be injured or killed.

But this eight-year girl was not injured at all.

There was not even the slightest wound.

 She told us that when she was knocked down by the lorry, she saw Amitabha Buddha was holding her hand.

She was enveloped in his lights as she felt warmed and soft.

That is why she was safe and sound.

Other than this, it is impossible to explain why she was not injured even though she was knocked down by the lorry.

This is the first time.

After one year, she was nine and one day she was travelling with her mother on a motorbike.

This time, they collided with a car and fell down.

Shen Yun saw Amitabha Buddha brought along a group of Bodhisattvas.

He was standing on the ground, carrying her in his arm so that she would not be injured.

We can see the Kindness and Compassion of Amitabha Buddha is truly inconceivable!

This was told by a child and it was impossible for her to create a story.

Anyway, she faced two road accidents and she was still safe and sound.

We can see this is the strength of the Buddha which protects and takes care of her.

These are the merits and virtues in Amitabha recitation.

Yet, there are people who still complain the Name itself does not have enough merits and virtues.

I am still wondering how could people talk like this!

Namo Amitabha Buddha

A story told by Dharma Master Shi Jing Ben in his teaching on Amitabha Buddha Sutra (serial number :24).



她妈妈生下她以后,把念佛当做摇篮曲, 念给她听。







因为阿弥陀佛, 毕竟是慈悲的。 只要你肯念佛,不管你怎样念。通通管用。



醒来后,她就跟妈妈说:妈妈, 我梦到阿弥陀佛带我去玩。




























